Garratt Park - Final Design Engagement
Wandsworth Council wants to share with you the final design option for the Garratt Park ball court refurbishment and outdoor gym. Over £200k has been allocated via the S106 scheme to secure enhancements at this site. The S106 scheme pays for new and improved community facilities using funding collected from private development projects in the surrounding area.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the first and second rounds of consultation held in 2018.
The survey responses provided an insight into what people think of the current facilities, if and how they currently use these facilities and how they think these facilities could be improved.
Based on the feedback we received, a final design has been developed. We would now like to know if you have any final thoughts on the design for the refurbishment, particularly about possible football / netball provision on the ballcourt and the suggested outdoor gym equipment.
What happens next?
Once this phase of engagement has concluded, all of the feedback will be carefully considered and work will be undertaken to deliver a refurbished ballcourt and outdoor gym.
Whilst every attempt will be made to construct the final design to plan, certain elements may have to be altered during the implementation stage due to unforeseen technical or logistical issues.
Have your say
You can access the online survey below, but if you would like a paper copy or another format, please contact us at
In case you are not able to visit Garratt Park during the engagement period, photos of the existing playground can be viewed here.
Garratt Park Drop-in Sessions
If you have any questions, you can join us at one of two drop-in sessions at Garratt Park:
- Thursday 17 March, 3pm to 6pm
- Saturday 19 March, 11am to 1pm
The drop in sessions will be held on Garratt Park Basketball Court. No booking is required.
For updates follow us on Twitter @EnableParks
- Open to all
- Wandsworth Borough
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