Fred Wells Gardens Improvements

Closed 24 Mar 2019

Opened 28 Jan 2019

Results updated 4 Aug 2020

Thank you to all those who took part in the consultation. We received 92 responses, 94% of which were from local residents. The feedback provided us with lots of useful information about what you would like to see addressed in the park.

Group A Works

  • Junior playground: remove retaining wall and replace with safer alternative that maximises play spaces and blends in with surroundings
  • Junior playground: refurbish benches
  • Toddler playground: replace grass banks and red safety surface with a robust safety surface that is less slippery when wet
  • Mound across from junior playground: drop height of planter bed by around 500mm and move it 1-2 metres north in place of the footpath which will be closed. This will enable ramp and stairs to be rebuilt with a more gradual incline allowing easier access for the mobility impaired

The majority of respondents were in favour of group A works, which are deemed essential to the ongoing safety and/or maintenance of the park. Some suggestions were put forward about how best to implement these works and they will be considered during the feasibility/design stage.

Group B Works

In terms of what you thought should be given highest priority out of the Group B work, the most popular areas of work you wanted us to focus on are as follows (1 being the highest priority and 5 being the lowest):

  1. Tennis court: resurface tennis court and install tree root barrier to protect new court
  2. Toddler playground: replace with robust new play surface which meets the most recent safety standards
  3. Junior playground: replace play surface with robust new surface which meets the most recent safety standards
  4. Toddler playground: replace climbing frame with suitable alternative that stimulates young children and develops coordination and problem solving
  5. Toddler playground: replace aging small play units with new play equipment that develops interpersonal skills, creativity, imagination, problem solving and coordination

Responses to group B works showed strong support for resurfacing the tennis court surface and installing a root barrier, which will be put forward as a top priority for action. Replacing the toddler and junior playground surfaces will also be recommended for refurbishment. Given these works are likely to be expensive we will only be able to consider other works if sufficient budget remains. While efforts will be made to tackle as many group B issues as possible, it may not be possible to tackle all of the issues at this stage.

After careful consideration of all feedback, the decision was made to proceed with the following improvements:

  • Resurfacing tennis court to provide suitable sports surface. Tree root barrier to protect tennis court surface
  • New and relocated play equipment including a new toddler play unit. Both sets of swings refurbished too
  • New scramble net, pull up rope and timber walk on playground slope
  • New safety surface across the whole playground including wet pour under swings, artificial grass and bonded mulch on sloped areas
  • New timber cladding and planting to retaining walls in playground. New climbing play wall incorporated
  • Widening and landscaping of access points to allow for inclusive access and easy travel through the Gardens
  • Resurfacing of worn paths and raising of path levels to deal with tree root heave
  • New bins and furniture
  • New plants and bulbs in landscaped areas and within playground (to be completed autumn 2020 during the planting season

Works started on June 29 2020 and are currently under way. Works are expected to be complete in September 2020.


On behalf of Wandsworth Council, Enable Leisure and Culture has secured £316,500 to fund improvements to Fred Wells Gardens in the near future and we would now like to hear your views. 


Funding has been secured through the following channels:

  • £220,000 from Wandsworth Council’s Local Fund in June 2017 
  • £80,000 to fund play space enhancements from developers at 12-14 Lombard Street and £16,500 from other planning contributions

We would like to hear your views on the following:

Group A works: These works are classified as essential to the ongoing safety and / or maintenance of the park and therefore they are not presented as options to choose between. However, we would still like to hear your views on our proposed solutions and make sure we have not missed anything.

Group B works:  We would like your help to prioritise these potential improvement works through this consultation. These works, although important, are less fundamental to the overall safety of the park and given that funds are limited it is likely that some of the less popular proposals in this group will not be funded through this round of investment. Therefore, we would like you to rank Group B issues according to how important you feel they are to your enjoyment of the park.

To find out more about the works, please read our consultation document here.

Drop-in Sessions

We are holding two drop-in sessions in Katherine Low Settlement, 108 Battersea High Street SW11 3HP, where you can ask us any questions you might have about the consultation:

  • Wednesday 30 January 2019, 11am to 2pm
  • Saturday 2 February 2019, 12 to 3pm

To view a copy of our flyer for these drop-in sessions, please click here.

Have your say

You can access the online survey below, but if you would like a paper copy, please contact us at

Please be advised that the consultation closes on the 24th March 2019.




  • Open to all


  • Wandsworth Borough