Elmbourne and Dr. Johnson Avenue, Phase 1

Closed 31 Mar 2019

Opened 22 Feb 2019


In response to concerns and petitions received from local residents, the Council is keen to progress well supported traffic calming measures on Dr Johnson Avenue, Elmbourne Road and Hillbury Road to reduce speed and volumes of through traffic.

Please find attached at the bottom of the page a drawing illustrating the group of traffic calming measures. The Council is to implement the following Phase 1 measures immediately listed below which have strong historical support and will use available grant funding.   

  1. Upgrade the existing traffic calming measures on Dr Johnson Avenue, from standard round top humps to raised tables at regular intervals;
  2. Construct a new raised table at the junction of Dr Johnson Avenue and Hillbury Road, this will improve pedestrian access all around the junction and provide a continuous link to the footpath on either side of the Common;
  3. Construct a table at the junction of Dr Johnson Avenue and Tooting Bec Road, this will improve the pavement area which is currently narrow and uneven due to a mature tree and provide a tighter radius for vehicles turning into the road which will reduce entry speeds;
  4. Construct a raised table at the junction of Elmbourne Road and Louisville Road, this will improve pedestrian access in the area, especially for those accessing St Anselm’s school.   

This first phase of work will also help to increase permeability between the Tooting Bec Commons. In terms of construction materials, it has been agreed with Enable and the Tooting Management Advisory Committee that “Harvest” coloured Tegula blocks will be used in the tables which will be in keeping with the less urban setting. The loss of 3 to 4 parking spaces at the junction Elmbourne Road and Louisville Road should have limited impact on the local community and be compensated by the improvements to road safety. 

Works in phase 1 are starting next month. The further Phase 2 works (carriageway parking on Elmbourne Road, upgrade traffic calming on Elmbourne Road and Hillbury Road) are presently unfunded and the Council is keen to gather further views on each further element of this so that forthcoming funding can be prioritised accordingly. 

The Council asks for your patience while we deliver the Phase 1 improvements. If you have any further questions or queries about this exercise please email us at consult@wandsworth.gov.uk

You can share your feedback using the link below.

Please note that this exercise closes on 31st March 2019.



  • Open to all


  • Wandsworth Borough