Proposed no entry at Cortis Terrace

Closed 21 Mar 2021

Opened 8 Mar 2021


Wandsworth Council is consulting residents regarding a proposal to make Cortis Terrace No Entry (except cycles) from Westleigh Avenue.

This proposal is being put forward in response to feedback on the operation of the School Street which was introduced in October 2020 and which restricts motor vehicle access (other than for residents and other exempt vehicles) at 08:15 – 09:45am and 2:30 - 4pm on school days.

The proposed No Entry would apply to all motor vehicles at all times.  Access to Cortis Terrace for motor vehicles would be maintained via Cortis Road, subject to the School Street restrictions set out above.  Access for cyclists would be maintained in both directions.

The proposal would simplify the operation of the School Street.  It would remove southbound through traffic and reduce potential conflict (due to the narrowness of the street) between vehicles travelling in opposite directions.  However, motor vehicles travelling from Westleigh Avenue to Cortis Terrace would need to use other routes e.g. via Cortis Road

You can view the proposed changes on a map by clicking here.

The proposal would be introduced by means of an Experimental Traffic Order to enable all aspects of the scheme to be considered, including comments from residents, local businesses and the school before a decision is made on whether to make the scheme permanent.

Have your say

Please submit your feedback via the 'Your comments' link below.

If you require a paper copy of this survey or a different language/format, please contact with 'Cortis Terrace No Entry proposal' in the subject line.

For any questions, feedback or issues concerning School Streets, visit or email



  • Open to all


  • Wandsworth Borough