Wandsworth School Streets - Belleville Primary School (Meteor site) Trial

Closes 14 Apr 2025

Opened 14 Oct 2024


Following the results of the previous consultation earlier in 2024, the Council has launched the option A scheme, and we would welcome residents’ views during the trial’s first 6 months.

What is a School Street?

A School Street is where a road or section of a road near a school temporarily closes to motor traffic to become a pedestrian and cycle zone at the start and end of the school day.

There are many benefits of Schools Streets including keeping the area outside the school gates free of congestion, reducing idling vehicles and improving air quality, encouraging active travel to school, creating a pleasant and calm atmosphere at the start and end of the school day and, of course, improving road safety.

Whilst everyone is encouraged to avoid driving in a School Street during the restricted times, certain vehicles (including those of residents in the School Street) are exempt from the restrictions.  You can find out more here.

Since June 2020, the Council has introduced 25 School Streets schemes benefiting 26 schools. Further information about the programme can be viewed on the School Street pages of our website here.  

All feedback collected during the consultation and engagement will be analysed and reviewed, and if supported, we would implement the proposed School Street in Autumn 2024 using an Experimental Traffic Order.

Please note that the details of the scheme as described above may be amended as the council responds to feedback or in order to improve the effectiveness of the scheme. In the event that the scheme is amended, this Overview page will be edited to describe the change made. Your feedback will be viewed in the context of the scheme described at the time of your submission.

What is an experimental traffic order?

ETOs are used to deliver measures that require monitoring and further review, giving the council the opportunity to trial measures in real time.

There is a statutory 6-month period following implementation whereby anyone may comment in writing and this feedback will help us determine whether or not the scheme should be kept, amended or withdrawn.

An ETO can be amended or withdrawn at any time. The council will monitor the trial scheme and review the data collected and determine whether amendments to the scheme are required during the trial period to improve its effectiveness.

If you have a question about the School Streets Scheme generally, you may find the answer in our Frequently asked questions about School Streets page. 

Have your say

The Council is keen to hear the views of local residents, the school community and businesses throughout the trial period which runs for the duration of this consultation. Feedback can be submitted via the 'Your comments' link below.

If you require a paper copy of the survey or a different language/format, please contact schoolstreets@wandsworth.gov.uk.

Give Us Your Views


  • Northcote


  • Open to all


  • Wandsworth Borough