Fernside Road - Proposal to install secure cycle parking (bikehangar)

Closed 10 Nov 2019

Opened 30 Sep 2019


Further to the recent petition to install a bikehangar, the Council is now formally consulting on this proposal to implement a secure cycle parking unit on Fernside Road.

Bikehangars are designed to provide a secure on-street cycle parking solution and can only be accessed by a member using a key. They enable more cycling by providing a solution to those who would otherwise be unable to securely store a bicycle.

Each bikehangar unit can hold 6 bicycles and will result in the loss of less than one parking bay.  The Council has identified possible unit locations and a map can be seen below, along with an example picture of an installation in Himley Street, Wandsworth. Subject to demand, up to two bikehangars can be provided on Fernside Road, either as side by side or at a different location to ensure ease of access.      

Please note each bikehangar user is required to pay a refundable deposit and an annual subscription of £72 to the supplier which covers administration and maintenance.  Residents who live on the street, do not hold a resident parking permit and have no suitable outside space to store a bicycle will be prioritised.

Possible locations of a bikehangar on Fernside Road: 

Example image of a bikehangar installed in Himley Street, Wandsworth:

The protective bollards and islands do not form part of the new installation

For further information about the bikehangar, please visit http://www.cyclehoop.com/product/cycle-shelters-and-canopies/bike-hangar

Have your say

The Council will be pleased to hear your views on this proposal, by completing the online survey below by 10 November 2019. If you require a paper version of the survey, please contact us at consult@wandsworth.gov.uk



  • Residents


  • Wandsworth Borough