SEND Strategy 2025-2028 Consultation

Closes 30 Sep 2024

Opened 31 Jul 2024


We are developing a new three-year Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) Strategy for Wandsworth, to launch in 2025.

This strategy will include our vision for SEND services in the borough, our key priorities for the future, and the actions we plan to achieve in order to provide outstanding services to our children, young people, and families.

At this early stage we are inviting views about the proposed themes and your experiences of SEND services, to feed into the development of our strategy.

We are proposing five key themes that will underpin our SEND Strategy 2025-2028:

Safe and Secure

We believe that every child and young person should feel safe at home, at school, and in their community, with a supportive network around them to ensure they always feel cared for.

Achieve and Aspire

We are committed to supporting children and young people with SEND to aim high, achieve well, and feel a sense of belonging and inclusion in their setting and beyond.

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

We will ensure that there is sufficient health provision, for mind and body, in the local area which meets the range of needs for our children and young people. We will support them in learning to make healthy choices from the outset and encourage them to lead healthy and active lifestyles.

Respected and Involved

We will support children, young people, and their families to have a voice which is respected and put at the heart of any decisions made about their education, health, and care.

Prepared for Adulthood

We will work closely with children and young people to ensure they are well supported to prepare for adulthood, that their transitions are timely, smooth, and appropriate to their needs, and that they are empowered to be as independent as possible.

We want to ensure that this strategy reflects the needs and priorities of those it represents, which is why we need your help. We would like your comments on our five key themes, what should be included, what needs improving and what's most important to you.

You can read our draft Equalities Impact Needs Assessment, which details the impact we expect our SEND Strategy to have on groups of people with protected characteristics.

We have also created a child-friendly questionnaire so that children and young people can give us their views as part of this consultation.

Have your say

Please give us your views by clicking on the Online Survey link below. If you need to request a paper questionnaire or materials in any other format, please contact or call on 0208871 6385.

What happens next

We will use your feedback to shape our new strategy and will share the draft document for another round of consultation later this year.

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