Bradstow pre-publication consultation - proposal to close (discontinue) a Community Special School and Children’s Homes

Closes 16 Feb 2025

Opened 6 Jan 2025



After careful consideration, Wandsworth Council has made the difficult decision to consult on a proposal to close Bradstow Community Special School and Children’s Homes at the end of the 2024/2025 academic year. Bradstow is located in Broadstairs, Kent, with Wandsworth being one of 10 Local Authorities using the school, and Kent County Council the largest user of the provision.

Why are we proposing this change?  

Wandsworth Council is committed to supporting children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) locally, keeping them educated and cared for within Wandsworth or as close to their homes as possible. This sits alongside the need to retain a sustainable school system that meets the needs of all our children. 

The council has invested £41m in expanding SEND provision in Wandsworth creating over 271 places since 2021, of which £34m is on a purpose-built expansion of Paddock Secondary and Sixth Form School to improve our local provision for children with complex special educational needs linked to their diagnosis of Autism and severe learning disability. A primary aim for the development of Paddock School is to enable Wandsworth children remain in their local community to enable them to successfully retain their close links to their family and friends, which can be lost if they are placed at a significant distance from homes.  

Bradstow School operates within a challenging financial landscape and the unwillingness of councils to pay the levels of fees needed to maintain the quality and financial viability of the school has forced Wandsworth council to look at other options. 

Wandsworth Council have worked with Kent County Council since November 2021, following a meeting chaired by the Regional Schools Commissioner, to explore the potential for transferring the provision to Kent County Council. However, Kent County Council has recently decided not to proceed with a transfer. This, combined with the financial pressures facing the school, has left no other viable option at this time but to propose closure at the end of the academic year. 

The decision to consult on the closure of the school was not taken lightly and has come as a last resort. This proposal is no reflection on the quality of teaching, skillset of staff and the current leadership of the school. 

We are committed through this consultation, to prioritise transparency and inclusivity, giving families, staff and the wider community extensive opportunity to engage with the process and provide feedback. This will allow Wandsworth Council to carefully consider all views before a final decision is made. If the decision to close the school goes ahead we will work with school leaders to ensure responsible local authorities liaise with families to put in place suitable alternative provision and plan a smooth transition for each child. 

Consultation and decision-making process 

There is a defined statutory process in the School Organisation (Establishment and Discontinuance of Schools) Regulations 2013 which must be followed before making a decision on the closure of a maintained school. This is supplemented by further guidance on the process published by the Department for Education.  

There are five stages to the statutory process: 



The views of interested parties are sought and will be considered by the local authority


Dependent upon the outcome of the consultation, the local authority will decide whether or not to publish statutory notices regarding the proposed closure


The representation period starts on the date of publication of the statutory notice and must last for a period of four weeks. During this period, any person or organisation can submit comments on the proposal to the local authority, to be taken into account before a final decision is taken 


Within two months of the end of the representation period the local authority must make a decision on the proposal. 


If the proposal is approved, Bradstow School would close on 31 August 2025

Who we will consult 

The local authority is consulting with pupils, parents and carers, staff, the governing board, other local schools and trade unions. We are also consulting with other groups as well as the wider local community. 

Equality Impact Assessment 

An Equality Impact Assessment has been undertaken to identify the potential impacts of this proposal on groups with protected characteristics, and any appropriate mitigation. We are seeking views on this as part of this consultation. 

How to take part in the consultation

Please ensure you read the following documents so that you have all the information you need to respond.

Consultation document

Equality Impact Assessment

Frequently asked questions 

Have your say

Please give us your views by clicking on the Online Survey link below. 

If you need to request a paper copy, a different language or format, or if you need any support to take part in the consultation, please call or text the Children’s Services Executive Support team’s dedicated Bradstow consultation mobile number at 07779 868995 or email (please put ‘Bradstow Consultation’ in the email heading’).

What happens next

Upon concluding this consultation stage, all views will be considered in full and the Director of Children’s Services in consultation with the Cabinet lead for children will decide whether to publish statutory proposals for these changes.  

Proposed consultation timeline:



Pre-publication consultation 

Monday 6 January 2025 to Sunday 16 February 2025

Review of consultation feedback and delegated decision for Director of Children’s Services in consultation with the Cabinet lead for children to decide whether to publish statutory proposals for these changes. 


Monday 17 February to Friday 7 March 2025

Formal consultation 

Monday 10 March 2025 to Sunday 6 April 2025  

Executive Committee – decision on outcome of formal consultation.  

April/May 2025 - date to be confirmed

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