Wandsworth Voluntary Community Sector Strategy Consultation

Closed 28 Jan 2025

Opened 8 Jan 2025


Wandsworth has a thriving, diverse and dynamic voluntary and community sector providing voice, leadership, connection and support to the many different communities across our borough. The Council is committed to working in close partnership with the voluntary and community sector in a way that amplifies and celebrates its contribution and impact.

To achieve this, the Council has developed a draft of the new Voluntary and Community Strategy 2025-2030. A range of partners and organisations have contributed to the design of this strategy sharing their views through participating in VCS needs analysis events and workshops. Each idea, feedback, and opinion were heard to shape collective vision, values and aspirations for the Wandsworth Voluntary and Community Sector Strategy.

Why we are consulting

We are seeking your views on a draft version of the new Voluntary and Community Strategy. By completing this consultation, you will help us identify any gaps, refine our approach, and ensure that the final strategy is robust and inclusive ahead of launch. Your input will co-create a strategy that is both ambitious and achievable, and that reflects the collective aspirations of the sector.

Who we want to hear from

We would like to hear from as many Wandsworth Voluntary and Community Sector organisations and wider stakeholders as possible. No previous involvement is required. This consultation is a valuable opportunity for you to learn about the progress we have made so far and give your feedback on seven strategic outcomes that have been co-developed with the sector from extensive engagement and consultations. We look forward to hearing your views and working together to build a stronger, more vibrant, and inclusive community.

Click here to view equalities impact information

The Equality Act 2010 requires that the Council when exercising its functions must have "due regard" to the need to eliminate discrimination, to advance equality of opportunity and to foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it. In addition to the nine protected characteristics currently recognised under the Equality Act 2010, Wandsworth also treats the socio-economic duty in the same way. This socio-economic duty ensures the Council adopts transparent and effective measures to address the inequalities that result from differences in occupation, education, place of residence, health and deprivation and how its decisions and policies could increase or decrease inequality that results from socio-economic disadvantage experienced by residents in the borough. 

The VCS plays a central role in supporting those with protected characteristics across the borough. The Wandsworth’s VCS Needs Analysis, carried out a sample analysis of charities across the borough and as a minimum identified 62 charities supporting Wandsworth residents with a disability, which make up approximately 11.4% of the population. 28 charities support Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic communities across the borough, with Asian communities making 11.7% of the population, Black communities 10.1%, mixed ethnic groups 6.3% and other ethnic groups 4.1%. Charities are often based in areas with the highest level of socio-economic need including in Roehampton, one of Wandsworth’s most socio-economically deprived wards, where a minimum of nine charities were identified that work to support local communities. There are at least 82 charities supporting older residents in the borough and 182 supporting children and young people, reflecting Wandsworth’s younger population and higher number of 0–14-year-olds than the London and national average. 

The draft strategy includes promoting equality, diversity and inclusion as a key guiding principal, and it is expected that the implementation of the strategy will have a positive impact on reducing inequality in the borough. 

Have your say

Please give us your feedback by clicking the Online Survey link below. If you have questions about this work, or require a paper copy of this consultation, please email voluntarysectorteam@wandsworth.gov.uk or call 020 8871 8620.

What happens next

Once the consultation ends, the Council will analyse all answers received. Based on the feedback, we will refine and adjust the draft strategy. This may include revising of the strategic outcomes, incorporating new ideas, and addressing any identified gaps.

After all revisions are made, the Council will finalise the Voluntary and Community Strategy 2025-2030. This final version will reflect the collective input and aspirations of the Voluntary and Community Sector.

Once the new Wandsworth Voluntary and Community Strategy is approved, the Council will officially launch it and will begin implementing the strategy to effectively address the needs of the thriving, diverse and dynamic Wandsworth community.

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