Zone KA CPZ Review

Closes 29 Sep 2024

Opened 20 Aug 2024


The Council is reviewing the Kew Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ), Zone KA, as part of a review of all Controlled Parking Zones in Kew.

Over the years, the Council has received feedback from residents and businesses in Kew on how the CPZ in their specific area operates. This consultation seeks feedback from all properties in Kew on how the schemes are working and whether any changes should be made. This includes seeking views on whether the CPZ’s operational hours/days are about right or need to be changed and whether the boundary/formation of the zones should be altered. 

View the consultation letter here

View the consultation area here.

Have your say

Please give us your views by clicking on the 'Online Survey' link below. If you are unable to complete the survey online and you would like a hard copy of the questionnaire, please call 020 8871 8929 leaving your name and address and quoting reference ‘Kew CPZs Review’ and one will be posted out to you with a postage paid return envelope.

The Council would like to demonstrate that any changes to a CPZ have the support of residents so a good response is very important, although the Council will not base its decision on residents’ wishes alone. All feedback to this consultation will be considered by the Council along with all relevant traffic management and other highway factors, prior to a decision being made on the way forward.

Further information

For further information on this review please click here and generally on CPZs please click here. You can also call the Customer Service Centre on 020 8891 1411.

Give Us Your Views


  • Kew


  • Residents
  • Businesses
  • Landlords


  • Richmond Borough