Whitton Town Centre Improvements 2010

Closed 8 Nov 2010

Opened 15 Oct 2010


The Council carried out this public consultation following confirmation of funding to make improvements in Whitton Town Centre. The upgraded street scene will improve conditions for pedestrians in the High Street between Nelson Road and Jubilee Avenue, and include the area around the library. Funding has been allocated from the Council with possible further contributions from the Heathrow Community Grant awards scheme.


Further information about the proposals is available at the below link. A survey was distributed to residents in the local area as well as being available online. Two drop-in sessions were held on Friday 22 October 2010 (9.30am - 12.30pm, Whitton Library) and Saturday 23 October 2010 (10am - 1pm, shop formerly trading as 'Bash', 68 Whitton High Street) where Council officers were available to discuss and answer queries on the proposals.

What happens next

There were 134 responses to the consultation. Of those, 75% agreed with the proposed scheme improvements; 23% disagreed and 1% did not give an answer.


The detailed comments are being considered by Council officers, who will put forward their responses and recommendations to leading Councillors for consideration.



  • Residents
  • Businesses
  • Visitors and tourists


  • Richmond Borough