Twickenham Station and Surroundings Design Standards SPD

Closed 27 Aug 2010

Opened 16 Jul 2010


Opinions were sought on a new consultation document which proposes to give the authority's planning committee guidance on how any applications for the redevelopment of the Twickenham Station area should be considered.


The new draft supplementary planning document (SPD) sets out suggestions as to the size, scale and height of any potential development in this area. The documents include a proposal suggesting suitable heights for new buildings in the area should be up to five storeys high. This is the 'local guidance' referred to in the following extract from the Local Development Framework (Core Strategy, Core Policy 7):

"in addition, taller buildings may be suitable in Richmond and Twickenham town centres close to the stations, rather than other town centres, if car travel can be minimised and townscape setting left unharmed. All such proposals will require full design justification based on a comprehensive townscape appraisal and the use of 3D modelling images, and be assessed using the criteria for evaluation identified by CABE and English Town Heritage in "Guidance on Tall Buildings" and local guidance" (Para.2.1.6)


Consultation Document

Public consultation on the draft guidance was carried out. As well as being available online (link below), a hard copy was available at Twickenham Civic Centre and at Twickenham Library. A letter was sent to local residents and stakeholders to notify them. Comments could be submitted by email or post. The draft SPD was also available at the Twickenham Barefoot Consultation.


Please note: all representations made will be available for viewing at Council offices on request and a summary will also be available on the Council website. For these reasons your comments and any identifying information contained in your response will not remain confidential and any anonymous responses cannot be taken into consideration.


For any queries, email or phone Evie Bissell on 020 8891 7322.

What happens next

150 responses were received and most local respondents expressed their overall support for the document and in particular the proposed restriction on high rise buildings which was considered out of character with the suburban character of the town. Most of the responses were from local residents and residents' organisations, responses were also received from Solum and Network Rail and consultants representing the Royal Mail Group. Public bodies responding were the Environment Agency, Natural England, the GLA and TfL. Many local residents referred to the initial proposals by Solum for Twickenham Station. Several residents referred to the proposed uses of the sites, which were not the subject of this SPD. The site uses are set out within the saved UDP, these will be reviewed as the Site Allocations DPD is prepared, work on this will start later this year. A number of those who were in overall support wanted further matters to be included. These are set out in the Cabinet report.


Of all the responses, 16 (including site owners) were not in support of the SPD. The key issues raised on behalf of the owners (Royal Mail Group and Solum Regeneration) were;


- the height restrictions are considered overly restrictive and are therefore not in conformity with the London Plan, the LDF Core Strategy and the LDF Evidence base;

- the route of the River Walk is over specific limiting flexibility for other alignments which may provide more benefits (Royal Mail); the possible difficulties (impact on layout, security and safety) of opening up the tunnel under London Road need to be recognised (Royal Mail).

What has happened as a result?

The Cabinet report reflects on the findings from the consultation and makes recommendations to Cabinet to agree that the Twickenham Station and Surroundings Design Standards is adopted for use as a Supplementary Planning Document.



  • Residents
  • Businesses
  • Community groups
  • Voluntary groups


  • Richmond Borough