Twickenham Area Action Plan

Closed 22 Jul 2011

Opened 10 Jun 2011


Richmond residents have told the Council that Twickenham Town Centre needs a revitalised retail centre to provide a new 'heart' to the area.  This would involve improving access to the river, better shops, an attractive High Street and improvements for traffic and pedestrians. 

Richmond Council is creating the 'Twickenham Area Action Plan' in response to residents' views.  The Twickenham Area Action Plan aims to provide a guide for unlocking the potential of the town centre by making the best use of key sites in order to create a more attractive and prosperous town centre in the period up to 2027. 

This consultation aimed to gather views on 3 possible scenarios for the development of the town centre.



  • Residents
  • Businesses


  • Richmond Borough