Twickenham Film Studios - Proposed Re-siting of Recycling Banks

Closed 30 Aug 2013

Opened 19 Jul 2013


The new owner of the studios is planning a number of improvements to the site to enhance its future operation. As part of its forward planning, the Studios have asked if the five recycling banks located outside the studios in The Barons could be relocated.

Following consideration of this request, the Council is proposing to relocate the banks to St Margarets Road (near its junction with Westmorland Close) for three months on a trial basis from September 2013.

The Council is keen to hear the views of residents, business owners and anyone affected by the proposal.

Why your views matter

You may be aware that Twickenham Studios was recently purchased for continued use as a major filming venue.

The new owner of the studios is planning a number of improvements to the site to enhance its future operation. As part of its forward planning, the Studios have asked if the five recycling banks located outside the studios in The Barons could be relocated.

Following consideration of this request, the Council is proposing to relocate the banks to St Margarets Road (near its junction with Westmorland Close) for three months on a trial basis from September 2013.

To accommodate the banks in the new location it will be necessary to remove two signposts from the front of the footway and relocate one with signage to the back of the footway next to the recycling banks, to ensure a minimum width of 2 metres is maintained for pedestrians.

A drawing showing the new location of the banks and signpost changes can be found in the background documents.

The Council will review the changes at the end of the trial and any comments received during this period will be taken into account and comments and feedback can be emailed to Providing the banks work well in the new location and operate as effectively as other sites the changes would become permanent.

We do hope you understand that the relocation of the recycling banks is proposed with the intention of assisting the studios with its future operation.

All responses to the consultation will be considered when making a decision on the way forward with the proposal.

Your views are important to us and we invite you to complete and submit the questionnaire using the link, by Friday 30th August 2013 when the consultation closes.

If you would like a paper version of the questionnaire with a post paid envelope, please call 08456 122 660 and one will be sent to you.

The Council is also considering changes to parking provision near the studios for which a separate postal survey of properties nearer the location is being undertaken.

For any more information please call 08456 122 660 or email

Start date: 19 July 2013
End date: 30 August 2013



  • Residents
  • Businesses
  • Voluntary groups


  • Richmond Borough