Townshend Community Parking Zone (CPZ) Extension

Closed 11 Nov 2016

Opened 7 Oct 2016


The Council has received several requests from residents for the introduction of parking controls in Peldon Court to deter daytime non-resident parking, including commuter parking. It is understood that the level of parking by non-residents in Peldon Court has substantially increased over recent years.

In discussions with the Richmond Housing Partnership and ward councillors, the Council has considered this matter and has decided to undertake a parking consultation. Given that the adjoining road, Sheen Road, is situated within the Townshend CPZ (Zone J), it is felt appropriate to consult residents on extending this zone to Peldon Court.

If the results of this consultation show that over 50% of the total households in Peldon Court are in favour of extending the CPZ, the Council will progress the proposals through to a second stage consultation. This will involve formal advertisement of traffic orders proposing the implementation of this CPZ extension.

If the CPZ extension goes ahead, residents of Peldon Court will be able to apply for Zone J resident permits but they would no longer be eligible to apply for Zone G resident permits. The Council would seek to incorporate the existing six Zone G shared-use parking permit spaces in Peldon Court, near its junction with Sheen Road, into Zone J so that residents of Peldon Court may park in them.

The current layout of parking in Peldon Court has been reviewed with a view to maximising the available parking space whilst ensuring access for emergency service vehicles. The proposed layout of resident permit holder spaces is enclosed along with a map showing the proposed extension area. We estimate that there will be approximately 44 resident permit holder spaces and 2 disabled parking bays.

The Townshend CPZ currently operates between 10am and 2pm, Monday to Friday. If the CPZ is extended to Peldon Court then residents wishing to park in the zone during its operational hours will be required to purchase a permit. The cost of these permits will be as follows:


Resident permits

1st permit issued                                                                  £48.50 per year       

Subsequent permits purchased per household per year are around 50% more for the 2nd permit issued and around 50% more again for 3rd and subsequent permits issued per household.

Resident visitor permits

These cost £13.25 per book of ten half-day permits.  These are half price to the over 60s.  One permit corrected validated for the morning period allows a full days’ parking in Zone J.


If you are a resident of Peldon Court please complete the online survey below by Friday 11 November 2016.

Information on how CPZs work including all parking charges can be found on the Council website

Your views are important to us and we would welcome any comments you may have on this matter.



  • Residents


  • Richmond Borough