Town Centre Opportunities Consultation

Closed 22 Oct 2014

Opened 1 Oct 2014

Results updated 20 Oct 2017

Thank you to all those who completed the survey. 

The feedback gathered will:

  • Inform the Town Centre Opportunities Fund
  • Be used in consideration to other available funding such as the High Street Fund and Civic Pride Fund
  • Provide guidance to Town Centre Managers and Traders Associations


For the full results report please use the link below.



The Town Centre Opportunities consultation aims to gather the views primarily of older residents in Richmond in order to gain a better understanding about how suitable they feel the borough’s town centres are to meet their needs and identify any issues and opportunities for future improvement.

The Council’s Town Centre Opportunities Fund is a small grants programme for supporting town centres to improve their trading environment with the aim of making them more attractive to visitors.

The findings of the consultation will be shared with Town Centre Managers and Traders Associations to provide insight for they work they do in the town centres across the borough and inform how the Opportunities Fund will be spent in the future.

There is a prize draw of a £30 Marks and Spencer voucher as part of this consultation.  If you would like to be included in the prize draw please give your details at the end of the questionnaire.

If you need any further information or if you would like a paper version of the questionnaire please use the contact details at the top right of this page.

Thank you for taking the time to be involved.



  • Older people