Third Cross Road - Proposed One Way Working
The Council wants to hear your views on a proposal to introduce one way working into the northern section of Third Cross Road.
Due to the current parking arrangements, the road is not wide enough to allow traffic in both directions. Concerns have been raised about vehicles mounting the pavement when faced with oncoming traffic on the northern section of Third Cross Road. This poses a risk to the many pedestrians who use these narrow pavements, especially during peak school times.
To prevent this issue from occurring, the Council are considering making the northern part of Third Cross Road one-way, in a northbound direction. The one way working would start at the traffic island near 31 Third Cross Road. Vehicles would only be able to enter Third Cross Road from Hampton Road. The southern part of Third Cross Road would remain two-way.
Please click here to see a diagram of the proposed one way working.
Should this proposal proceed, it is suggested to remove the existing northbound 7.5-ton weight limit which begins at this location. This weight limit was implemented over 20 years ago to protect the northern section of the road from heavy vehicles associated with business units on the road. These business units have since been redeveloped into residential properties which decreases the likelihood for regular use by large vehicles, and as such we are proposing to remove the weight limit.
The Council are aware that this proposal may impact surrounding roads and are conscious of the restrictions which already exist in the area. It is probable that vehicles exiting Meadway and heading south will take the next alternative route via Gothic Road, Fourth Cross Road, and other nearby streets.
Due to the potential impact on surrounding roads, should this proposal go ahead it would be implemented under an Experimental Traffic Management Order (ETMO). An ETMO is a temporary measure and would be used to assess traffic changes on Third Cross Road and surrounding roads. An ETMO can last up to 18 months, with a public statutory consultation to be held in the first six months. It also allows for quicker minor amendments to an already implemented scheme. Based on feedback from the consultation, a decision will be made within the 18 months to make the one way working permanent, amend it, or remove it.
There is the possibility that making the road one way may result in increased speeds, however, this is considered unlikely due to the short length of the road. Traffic speeds would be closely monitored during the experimental period, and if needed, traffic calming measures could be implemented. Making the road one way could also allow for wider pavements at the front of the school.
A one-way scheme in this location could be implemented quickly and at a relatively low cost with proposals utilising the existing illuminated posts. These posts, which currently hold the 7.5-ton weight limit signage at both ends of the proposed one-way section, could be repurposed to hold the new one-way and no entry signage. Some road marking changes would be necessary to ensure that the one-way section complies with current regulations.
Have your say
The Council is keen to hear your views on this proposal for experimental one way working in the northern section of Third Cross Road.
If you are unable to complete the survey online and you would like a hard copy of the questionnaire, please call (020) 8487 5294 leaving your name and address including the postcode and quoting ‘THIRD CROSS ROAD’ and one will be posted out to you.
What happens next
All consultation feedback will be considered before a decision is made on whether to proceed with the ETMO. If the one way working is implemented, it is anticipated that the work will begin in Summer 2025.
Give Us Your Views
This activity will open on 17 Mar 2025. Please come back on or after this date to give us your views.Areas
- West Twickenham
- Open to all
- Richmond Borough
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