Draft Sustainable Construction Checklist Supplementary Planning Document

Closed 28 Mar 2011

Opened 14 Feb 2011


This Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is an update of the existing Sustainable Construction Checklist, which provides guidance and details on the Council's requirements with regard to sustainable design and construction. This update is proposed in order to bring the SPD up to date to reflect national, regional and local policy changes since its adoption in August 2006, and to simplify and speed up the process in assessing and complying with the checklist. The draft SPD was subject to public consultation from 14 February - 28 March 2011.


Consultation Documents and the Response form were made available on the Supplementary Planning Documents webpage.

What happens next

There were eight responses to the draft Checklist and Guidance Document, with the majority of the responses from local sustainability consultants and the rest from other relevant organisation (Environment Agency, Natural England, Thames Water).


It is anticipated that a schedule of the submitted responses and the final version of the document, which will take account of the consultation responses, will be forwarded to Cabinet in summer 2011 to agree that the Sustainable Construction Checklist is adopted for use as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).



  • Residents
  • Businesses


  • Richmond Borough