Stanley Road Wild Woodland Play Area

Closed 23 Nov 2015

Opened 2 Nov 2015

Results updated 15 Mar 2016

Thank you to everyone who took part in our parks consultation. 

The majority of respondents (94%), indicated that they either ‘strongly agree’ or ‘agree’ with the proposal for a new woodland play and educational area, adjacent to the former Territorial Army Volunteer Centre.  

A number of respondents raised specific questions which we address below.

  • The park will be accessible at all times to all members of the public with no age limitations.
  • Any individual or groups can use the outdoor classroom area, including the local nursery, schools and Children’s Centre.
  • A secure 3m high green weld mesh boundary fence will be installed between the play area and the golf course; we will plant along this border to soften this boundary over time.  Tree planting will also take place.
  • A gate will be placed at the entrance point to the car park to ensure safe passage to and from the site.  Two other entry points along Stanley Road will be installed as well as low level fencing to replace the chain link boundary.
  • The pathway through the woodland will be accessible to wheelchair and pushchair users.


What’s next?

Works are due to start on site in January 2016 with self-sown trees being selectively removed from the site and installation of the new fencing and pathway.  Following this we will remove the Stanley Road chain link fencing and replace with low level fencing to open up the site.  Finally we will install the play equipment and educational features with the aim to have the park open to the public by spring 2016.

Your Richmond Parks team


Stanley Road Wild Wood is an area of secondary woodland to the west of Strawberry Hill golf course abutting the former Territorial Army Voluntary Reserve (TAVR). Historically this area was a gravel extraction site alongside the golf course and fire station. The woodland runs roughly north - south and contains some large oak trees with numerous smaller sycamore and elm undergrowth. The woodland is currently an overgrown wild area with dense ivy, dead trees and abandoned rubbish, owned by the golf course.

St James Catholic Primary School lies to the north of the site and Stanley junior school to the south both schools will be encouraged to be actively involved in the park design. The area has been identified with the borough as generally lacking play space. The redevelopment of the TVAR site into a mixed martial arts centre offers an opportunity to enhance this under used space into a more active educational based play area.

The addition of a play area into the woodland with linking woodland walkway has been agreed as part of the planning application for the martial arts site (planning application number 15/1151).

A preliminary design is attached and we would like to ascertain if the introduction of play facilities into this site would be supported by adjoining schools, residents and users. Our vision is for predominantly natural adventure play with a woodland theme and bark mulch ground cover. We would like to create an outdoor classroom and educational tree trail within the woodland to facilitate nature learning.  We welcome feedback on this proposal. Final locations/type of equipment are not confirmed but the design is indicative.

The removal of small trees will be required but all larger significant trees will be retained on site. We recognise the adjacent hazards posed by the Stanley road and the Strawberry Hill golf course and will border the site with suitable protective fencing.

We welcome your views and invite you to complete this survey by 23rd November when consultation closes. If you have any queries please email or call 0208 891 1411. Paper copies of the plans or the questionnaire can be sent out to you if you are unable to complete the consultation online.  Please contact Parks on the above email or number, alternatively make a request via the Civic Centre reception.



  • Open to all