Staines Road, Twickenham – Parking and Road Safety Proposals

Closed 7 May 2023

Opened 27 Mar 2023

Results updated 27 Jun 2023

Thank you to all those who took part in the consultation. You can read the Staines Road Outcome Report here on the Council’s website.


The Council wishes to implement parking restrictions and road safety measures in Staines Road, between Fifth Cross Road and Sixth Cross Road

In recent months the Council has received a number of complaints from residents regarding injudicious parking along this section of Staines Road, resulting in driveways being partly or fully blocked, and restricting sightlines when exiting onto Staines Road. Concerns have also been expressed about parking around junctions, blocking sightlines and hindering safe access for motorists and pedestrians. Parked vehicles also block the advisory cycle lanes and this has been a long standing complaint from cyclists who use this route. Vehicle speeds also remains a concern and this is one of only a few roads in the borough where the speed limit remains at 30mph.

The Council has a long-term plan to introduce measures along this stretch of road to resolve these issues, including the introduction of physical speed reduction measures and additional controlled pedestrian crossings. However funding these measures will take time and involve applying for Transport for London funding, so an interim solution has been developed to help us respond to the urgent parking concerns and high level of complaints received.

In addition, residents in this area have expressed concerns about parking by non-residents that reduces the available parking space. Therefore, the Council will be consulting the area, to include the Fulwell Park Estate and Twining Estate areas situated north and south of Staines Road respectively, on whether they would wish to see a controlled parking zone implemented.  Consultation is expected to be carried out in the coming months.

The list of measures that the Council wishes to implement are as follows:

  • All junctions between Fifth Cross Road and Sixth Cross Road to have double yellow lines introduced if not currently in place
  • Single yellow line restrictions operational Monday to Saturday 7am-7pm to be introduced along the length of the road including across all dropped kerbs
  • The introduction of 20mph speed limit up to the Sixth Cross Road junction, this will be signed and marked and benefit from speed indicator flashing signs. This lower limit will mitigate any potential increase in speed resulting from parking removal
  • Loading and unloading will still be permitted for up to 20 minutes on any of the new restrictions. These restrictions will therefore not interfere with deliveries
  • Parking will continue to be permitted on the single yellow lines overnight, that is, after 7pm

You can see the proposed measures on the map here.

This proposal has been developed with a focus on road safety and looks to address all concerns raised.  Most properties have off-street parking and a number have rear service roads/garages and for these reasons the Council believe that these measures are the most appropriate.

The Council intends to implement the measures for a six-month trial period. During the trial the Council will take into account any resident feedback as well as its own monitoring of the operation of the scheme, before deciding whether to make the new measures permanent.

However, before the measures are implemented, we would like to hear of any comments or concerns that local residents and businesses may have, so these can be considered before the trial begins.

Have your say

Please give us your views by clicking the Online Survey link below. If you need any help completing the survey or if you need a paper copy or a different format, please call 020 8487 5294 or email

What happens next?

All comments will be fully considered once the consultation has closed. Subject to  feedback received, the Council will be looking to implement the measures in May/June 2023.



  • Open to all


  • Richmond Borough