Stag Brewery Draft Planning Brief 2011

Closed 18 Mar 2011

Opened 4 Feb 2011


The Council prepared a draft Planning Brief for the Stag Brewery site which was subject to public consultation from 4 February - 18 March 2011. The final version, taking account of consultation responses, will have the status of a 'material consideration' in the event of any planning applications for the development of the site when brewing ceases. The Brief sets out clearly the acceptable land uses, heights and other design considerations for each part of the area.


The Planning Brief was available to view at the Civic Centre, any borough library or online. Hard copies were available on request. Comments could be submitted by email or post. Please note that responses will not be treated as confidential and that any anonymous responses will be discarded.

What happens next

The results of the consultation and the final version of the planning brief were submtited to Cabinet for consideration and approval at their 10 May 2011 meeting.



  • Residents
  • Businesses
  • Community groups


  • Richmond Borough