St Margaret's Estate Conservation Area Extension 2010

Closed 3 Sep 2010

Opened 15 Jun 2010


The Council is proposing to extend the boundary of the St Margaret's Estate Conservation Area under the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. The proposed extension includes this property. As part of this process, the Council is seeking views of all owners and/or occupiers.


In brief, the implications of Conservation Area designation are as follows:

1. Conservation Area Consent will be required for the demolition of most buildings and structures (including walls)

2. Works to trees above a certain size will require permission

3. New development will be required to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area

4. Certain minor alterations and additions to single family dwelling houses that are visible to public views will require permission.


Comments and recommendations could be submitted in writing. The deadline for comments was extended to 3 September 2010 in order to enable residents and interested parties sufficient time to consider the implications of the proposed extension.

What happens next

What has happened as a result?

A Cabinet Report has been created and was submitted on 24.01.11



  • Residents


  • Richmond Borough