St Margarets Parking Review – Normanhurst Drive, Ailsa Avenue, Gordon Avenue And Part of St Margarets Road Area

Closed 15 Jul 2015

Opened 5 Jun 2015

Results updated 20 Oct 2017

Following consultation with residents (1st & 2nd stage), the Cabinet Member approved the implementation of an extension to Zone S2 (St Margarets North Parking Scheme) and a new Zone S3 (St Margarets Riverside). These schemes came into operation on Friday 18 September 2015 by way of an experimental traffic order.

In addition to this, it was also agreed that 20 shared-use parking spaces (Zone S3 permit holder / pay and display) would be implemented on Ranelagh Drive. This came into operation on Monday 9 November 2015 also be way of an Experimental Traffic Order. The Council is monitoring the operation of these schemes over the first six months of operations and will review all comments received during this period prior to making a decision on whether to make the scheme permanent and/or modify it in some way.

Please visit the St Margarets Parking Review page for up to date details decisions made and the next steps.


You are being consulted about the proposals to extend the existing CPZ Zone S2  into your area (see drawing in related documents below).

In December 2014 the Council asked residents in St Margarets north and south of the A316 to see if they would wish to see the implementation of new parking controls in the area.

The results showed:

  • North of the A316 there was more than 50 per cent support for a CPZ in some roads with smaller numbers showing support in other roads.
  • There was insufficient support for a CPZ in Northcote Road and all roads north.
  • South of the A316 more than 50 per cent supported the proposals for an extension of the CPZ (Zone S) in Heathcote Road with some support shown in Cassilis Road, Norfolk Close, Nicol Close and part of The Avenue.


Following consideration of the results, the Council is consulting on proposals to extend the existing CPZ Zone S2 into the Normanhurst Drive, Ailsa Avenue, Gordon Avenue and part of St Margarets Road area (light green area on the drawing).  The operational hours would be Mon-Fri 10am-4.30pm requiring residents to buy a parking permit.  The costs effective from 1st June are listed below:

  • 1st parking permit £75 per year
  • 2nd parking permit £112 per year
  • 3rd and subsequent parking permits £150 per year
  • Resident visitor permits £12 per book of ten half-day permits


Further information about the St Margarets parking review, parking permits and charges can be found at the links below.

Generally the Council seeks to have support from a majority of households (over 50%) in an area before implementing an extension to a CPZ.  The results of this consultation will be analysed by Council officers.  If it is established that there is sufficient support to extend Zone S2 to this area, the Council will progress to advertising the traffic management orders to formally propose the new Zone extension.

Your views about the proposals to extend the existing CPZ Zone S2 into your area are important and we invite you to take part in this survey by submitting your completed questionnaire by Friday 3 July 2015 when the consultation closes. 

As part of the parking review in St Margarets the Council is also:

  • consulting residents north of the A316 in the St Margarets, St Peters Road and St Georges Road area (yellow area on the drawing) on proposals to introduce a new CPZ (Zone 3); and
  • re-consulting residents south of the A316 in the Heathcote Road area (light blue area on the drawing) to extend Zone S into the area.


For any new CPZ or CPZ extension implemented the Council will endeavour to keep the street furniture (new posts) to a minimum and where possible will install posts approximately 1 metre high for the new signage.

If you have any comments or queries, please feel free to call the Customer Service Centre on 0208 891 1411.



  • Open to all


  • Richmond Borough