St Margarets North Community Parking Zone Consultation

Closed 23 Jan 2015

Opened 12 Dec 2014

Results updated 20 Oct 2017

Results are currently being reviewed and will be available shortly.


The Council has received a number of communications and petitions from  residents in the St Margaret’s North area concerning the lack of available parking for residents due to daytime commuter parking.

A  review is being undertaken of the Community Parking Zone (CPZ)  Zone S2 introduced in April 2014 in the Orchard Road / Netherton Road area of St Margarets (shaded dark green on the drawing in the related documents below).

As part of the review, the Council is consulting residents in all roads north and east of Zone S2 and in the Casillis Road / Heathcote Road area on whether they would wish to see a CPZ implemented in their streets. We are keen to hear your views on this proposal. The drawing in the background documents below shows the consultation boundary shaded in light green.

If a new parking scheme was introduced  the costs would be:

  • Resident Parking -  £68 per year  with 3 and 6 month permits available,
  • Resident Visitor Permits -  £11 per book of ten half day permits, (£5.50 for those aged over 60) .   Two half-day permits required for one full days parking.
  • Business Parking  -  £216 per year with 3 and 6 month permits also available.

Your views are important to us and we invite you to submit your comments by completing and returning this questionnaire by Friday 23 January 2015 when the consultation closes.  For any further information please call 08456 122 660.

The results of this consultation will be analysed by Council officers and if it is established that there is sufficient support for a CPZ, the Council will develop and promote firmer proposals.

Please read through the consultation material in the related information and documents before completing the survey.



  • Residents
  • Black and minority ethnic groups
  • Businesses
  • Carers
  • Children
  • Community groups
  • Gay, lesbian and bisexual people
  • Men
  • Older people
  • Parents
  • People with disabilities
  • People with learning disabilities
  • People with mental health issues
  • Service users
  • Staff
  • Transgender people
  • Visitors and tourists
  • Voluntary groups
  • Women
  • Young people
  • Members
  • Developers
  • Partners
  • Service providers
  • Childminders
  • Open to all


  • Richmond Borough