Richmond Community Infrastructure Levy Consultation 2012

Closed 23 Jan 2013

Opened 17 Dec 2012


The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a new planning charge, introduced by the Planning Act 2008, and came into force in April 2010 through the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010.

CIL is a charge that the Council can set for certain new developments in the borough. CIL charges will be based on simple formulae, the size of which can be related to the size, type and location of the new development. This will allow the Council to raise funds from developers undertaking new building projects in the borough. CIL will only be chargeable on new developments and the Council must ensure that such rates do not make new development economically unviable.

The proceeds of CIL will be spent on local infrastructure required to support the development of the area and can be spent on a wide range of infrastructure such as transport schemes, schools, parks and open spaces, health and social care facilities.

Developers and landowners will be able to determine more transparently, and at an early stage, the level of contributions they are required to make towards infrastructure provision, rather than solely determined on an individual planning application.

The Council has prepared its Preliminary Draft CIL Charging Schedule, which is the first formal stage in the preparation of the Richmond CIL.



  • Residents