Richmond Green Improvements Proposal

Closed 12 Aug 2013

Opened 19 Jul 2013


Iron bollards and railings once encompassed the whole of Richmond Green but most were removed as part of the World War II.

Now the Freinds of Richmond Green and partners have secured pledges of more than £90,000 of its target £125,000, the Council would like to consult on a range of proposed improvements to replace the railings supported by other improvements by the Council. 

Your views are important to us and we invite you to completeand submit  the on-line questionnaire by Monday 12th August at 5pm when the consultation closes.

Why your views matter

Iron bollards and railings once encompassed the whole of Richmond Green but most were removed as part of the World War II effort with just forty nine bollards remaining opposite Maids of Honour Row, with some bearing the crest of King William IV, and some being later replacements.

An initiative to replace these bollards originated with the Friends of Richmond Green (FoRG) to mark the Diamond Jubilee. After early conversations with the Richmond Council it was suggested that the FoRG and partners raise the funds to contribute this project. 

Now the FoRG and partners have secured pledges of more than £90,000 of its target £125,000, the Council would like to consult on the proposed improvements. 

The Vision:
The project proposal is to extend the existing crested bollards in Maids of Honor Row around the entire perimeter of the Green, refurbish the fountain and install bollards round Little Green if supported through this consultation.

This would be supported by Richmond Council undertaking the improvements to entrances and footpaths and secure vehicle access points will be created.

The transcending purpose is to lift the whole presence of a precious space which is central to the character and self-esteem of Richmond.

A street furniture review will be carried out on benches, bicycle racks and bins as part of the project. Any re-locations or improvements will be carried out as appropriate.

A diagram showing the proposed improvements can be found in the background documents of this consultation.

The Crown has indicated support for this scheme. Following the outcome of this consultation the final scheme will be subject to formal written consent from the Crown.

Your views are important to us and we invite you to complete the on-line questionnaire by using the link below.  All completed questionnaires must be submitted by Monday 12th August at 5pm when the consultation closes.

If you would like any more information please contact or telephone 08456 122660




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