Railshead Road Improvements

Closed 10 Mar 2013

Opened 5 Feb 2013


In recent years Richmond Council has received a number of complaints expressing concern about Railshead Road, in particular:

- The poor condition of the road surface

- Conflict between pedestrians, vehicles and cyclists who use the area

- The general run-down look of the junction of Railshead Road with St Margarets

The Council has secured funding from the developers of Brunel University for transport improvements and it is proposed to use some of that money to improve Railshead Road to address the issues raised, by:

- Resurfacing the pavement at the bus stop on St Margaret's Road at the junction with Railshead Road

- Resurfacing the parking area behind the bus stop

- Replacing existing bell and cast iron bollards with wooden bollards to create a clear boundary between the parking area and footpath on St Margarets Road

- Replacing the surface under the recycling bins using granitte setts

- Creating marked out parking bays at the far end of Railshead Road using granite setts

- Creating a raised table across Railshead Road to reduce the speed of vehicles entering the road

- Resurfacing the pavement and road along the entire length of Railshead Road up to and around the junction with St Margarets Road

- Replacing all street lighting along the entire length of Railshead Road Review and reducing the amount of street furniture

These changes should improve the safety and look of the area, with clearly defined areas for pedestrians, vehicles and cyclists.

Cyclists will benefit from the reduced speed of vehicles into the road and have an improved surface to cycle on, improved drainage will reduce the risk of flooding around the towpath entrance and the clearly defined parking areas will ensure clear access at all times to and from the river.

The current number of parking spaces will not be affected by these proposed improvements.



  • Residents