Railshead Road Enhancement Scheme

Closed 30 Nov 2021

Opened 18 Oct 2021

Results updated 23 Sep 2022

Thank you to all those who gave us their views.

All feedback has been considered and you can read the decision report here.


Over a number of years, Richmond Council has received complaints expressing concern about Railshead Road, in particular:

  1. The poor condition of the road surface including drainage issues,
  2. Conflict between pedestrians, vehicles and cycles who use the area,
  3. The general appearance and streetscape at the junction of Railshead Road with St Margaret’s Road.

You may possibly recall a previous consultation back in 2013 when the Council consulted on proposed improvements to Railshead Road. Plans to proceed to implementation were put on hold shortly after consultation pending the Waterside Development which was going through the planning stages at that time.

The Council had previously secured funding from the developers of the old Brunel University site for transport improvements, this funding still remains. In addition, some additional developer funding was secured through the Waterside Development for highway improvements in the area. These two pots of funding have been combined together to allow officers to reconsider improvement measures for Railshead Road.  

These are outlined below and can be viewed on this plan:

  1. An enhanced pedestrian environment around the bus stop through pavement widening, an upgraded ‘heritage feel’ surface and a revised parking bay layout.
  2. The creation of marked parking bays using high quality materials along the length of Railshead Road and within the 3 bays proposed to be inset to the rear of the bus stop.
  3. The raising up of the junction at the entrance into Railshead Road to reduce vehicles speeds on entry into the road. This raised element will continue along the length of Railshead Road to create more of a shared space for cars, pedestrians and cyclists.  This will further be enhanced through a change in road surface colour.
  4. The introduction of special parking signage at both ends of the road to enable the removal of all yellow lines along the length of Railshead Road, further enhancing the shared space.
  5. A general review of street furniture in the area.
  6. An improved exit from Bowyers Court through junction realignment

This scheme will greatly enhance the streetscape along this road and will provide obvious benefits for the many pedestrians and cyclists who use this route, through the creation of a shared but clearly defined road surface, improved surfacing and lower vehicle speeds. The current number of marked parking spaces will be reduced by two as a result of these changes.   However, the loss of parking spaces needs to be balanced against the wider benefits to the community.

Have your say

We are keen to hear your views and invite you to comment or raise any issues that we can consider as part of these works, by completing the on-line survey below.

If you require any further information or need to request a paper questionnaire or another format please contact us on 020 8891 1411, alternatively email to  trafficandengineering@richmondandwandsworth.gov.uk . All comments received will be considered fully by officers and your ward Councillor prior to a decision being made on the way forward.



  • Residents
  • Businesses


  • Richmond Borough