Proposed Advisory Cycle Lane (ACL) A305 Richmond Road Between Rosslyn Road & Richmond Bridge, Twickenham

Closed 6 Jan 2012

Opened 5 Dec 2011


The A305 Richmond Road between Rosslyn Road and Richmond Bridge is an important and well used cycle route serving Richmond Bridge/Richmond Town Centre.  Poorly positioned traffic queuing north east towards Richmond Bridge can obstruct cycle movements, particularly during the morning peak hours.  The Council proposed to introduce a 1.30 metre wide Advisory Cycle Lanes (ACL) north eastbound to encourage queuing traffic to keep the kerb-line clear of obstructive vehicles.  The Council issued a consultation on this issue which closed on 6th Jan 2012.

What happens next

A public consultation was undertaken in December 2011/January 2012 with those living and trading on Richmond Road consulted by means of a mail drop.  A total of 251 consultations were delivered, with a total of 24 responses received giving a response rate of 9.6%.  In addition the consultation was advertised on the Council's website with a total of 7 responses.


A total of 20 respondents supported the proposed improvements, 9 did not support them, with 2 offering no opinion.

What has happened as a result?

Having taken into consideration the views of respondents the Council has decided to go ahead with the implementation of the proposed cycle lane, which is expected to take place in March/April 2012.



  • Residents


  • Richmond Borough