Proposed banned left turn - From South Worple Way to White Hart Lane

Closed 19 Sep 2014

Opened 22 Aug 2014

Results updated 3 Nov 2014

Due to residents concerns and officers safety evaluations it was proposed to ban the left turn out of South Worple Way onto White Hart Lane, the consultation focussed on whether or not this proposal was acceptable to residents and what form the ban would take.

Approximately 2,500 letters were sent out with 546 responses being recorded (197 of these received via the online survey), of these 58% were in favour of banning the left turn, 34% were against and 8% had no opinion either way. 

Additionally, 41% of respondents wanted to see a 24/7 ban, 24% wanted an AM-peak only ban, 35% either did not respond to the question or suggested alternate times. 

Several common themes were recorded in the comments sections, as follows:

  • Signs to be erected at the junctions of Queen’s Road, King’s Road, Paynesfield Avenue and Portman Avenue with Upper Richmond Road, to read “No Access to Mortlake or Barnes.”
  • Width restriction sign to be implemented at the eastern junction of Barnes Hospital on South Worple Way and a corresponding sign at the junction of Queen’s Road and South Worple Way with an ‘ahead’ plate underneath. Suggested width restriction 2.0m / 6’6”.
  • Signs to be placed either side of the level crossing stating “Switch off engines while waiting”
  • Ban of the right turn into South Worple Way from White Hart Lane.


Highways and Transport are currently reviewing possible options going forward based on the feedback from residents. 




In response to a number of concerns regarding vehicles over-running the footway at the eastern exit of South Worple Way along with reports of this narrow road being used as a rat run, the Council has undertaken a review of the existing situation and is proposing to take the following measures (drawing attached).

It is proposed to ban the left turn (towards the level crossing) out of South Worple Way at its junction with White Hart Lane. Traffic from both directions will still be permitted to turn into the road and right-turning traffic will also continue. This will allow pedestrians to use the busy north-south footway without risk of being overrun by vehicles cutting the corner and damaging the footway as is currently the case.

This measure should also reduce traffic levels on South Worple Way, particularly any speeding vehicles attempting to beat the level crossing lights.

The Council will also consider banning the left turn only in the morning peak (7am to 10am, Monday to Sunday) addressing the problem at its busiest time whilst minimising any inconvenience to local residents.

Should the proposal be supported it would be introduced on an experimental basis and be subject to review within eighteen months.

Your views are important to us and we invite you to take part in this consultation by completing the on-line questionnaire by Friday 19th September 2014 when the consultation closes. If you require any further information please contact me Alex Pocklington at or

All representations / comments received will be considered by your Ward Councillors and the Cabinet Member for Highways and Street Scene prior to a decision being made on the way forward. 



  • Residents


  • Richmond Borough