Playground Upgrade, Broom Road Recreation Ground

Closed 21 Mar 2016

Opened 29 Feb 2016

Results updated 23 Mar 2016

We wish to thank everybody that participated in the online consultation. We received a very good level of response.

The results of the Consultation found that a large majority of respondents are supportive. Hence the upgrades will be proceeding as most respondents are pleased with the proposals put forward. 


Richmond Council is in receipt of funding that is earmarked to spend on Broom Road Recreation Ground. With this funding the Council is keen to improve and enhance the play experience that is currently provided by installing a number of new play items that cater for a mixture of ages. The proposal is to install:

A basket swing
A ground trampoline
Three fence-mounted play and activity panels.

All existing play equipment will also be refurbished as required as part of the upgrade and the provision of litter bins will be reviewed. The Council will also be improving the access to the playground by relocating the access gate on Trowlock Way and creating a new entrance with a widened curb line and guard rail installed.

The aim of this consultation is to inform playground users and the wider public about our proposals, to establish whether the proposals are supported and to gather feedback.



  • Open to all