Playbuilders Year 2 - Crane Park

Closed 30 Nov 2010

Opened 1 May 2010


In the past, the Department of Education has given the borough funding to develop natural play areas across the borough. One project has been identified this year and the borough will receive funding in the amount of £75,000 to develop a natural play area in Crane Park, near the Shot Tower. This would be put towards enhancing existing features and creating new ones. The site will have open access and will be free of charge. Consultation with the local community is being undertaken to develop ideas for a natural play area in Crane Park.




Making sure our children and young people have top class facilities to exercise and enjoy themselves in, is something we are dedicated to providing. The new and enhanced play area will be fully accessible, offering something to families and children of all ages. We hope as many people as possible give us their views, as this will enable us to make the best use of the money. The play space we are creating is to be inspirational, inclusive and attractive to all children, with a particular focus on 8 to 13 year olds.


During May 2010, Groundwork Trust was appointed to assist with consultation and the design proposals for Crane Park. As well as attending some of the consultation events, Groundwork Trust assisted in publicity; consulted local schools (including a workshop at Heathfield After School Club, 30 Nov) and consulted with English Heritage and Environment Agency. Overall, consultation took place between May until the end of November.


Consultation phase 1

The initial phase included the following consultation

- Kneller Gardens, Twickenham (15 July, 3pm - 5pm), where information about the project was on display and children were asked to draw pictures of what they would like to see.  Groundwork Trust attended.

- Playday, York House Gardens, Twickenham (4 August, from 11am).  As above.

- Wildlife Trust event, Crane Park, Twickenham (19 Sept, 2pm - 5pm). Council staff were available to gather views and comments on the latest designs and proposals.

- Crane Park Steering Group, Civic Centre, Twickenham (28 Sept, 2pm). Additional feedback on the design proposals given at this meeting. The group is made up of Councillors, staff from Richmond and Hounslow Councils, FORCE and other community groups. Groundwork Trust attended.

- Friends of Kneller Gardens Executive Meeting (27 Sept) and AGM (7 Oct, 8pm), where the proposals were discussed.


Following this, a further site meeting was arranged (12 Oct, 5pm), to which over 450 FORCE members and local residents were invited as well as Heathfield Safer Neighbourhood Team. The draft plans were available and participants could send give their comments. Groundwork Trust attended.


Consultation phase 2

During this phase, views on the proposed design were collected via a survey week commencing 15 Nov. 400 copies of the plan and survey were delivered to local residents. The design and survey were published on the website and the survey was also advertised on the local press.


Throughout phases 1 and 2 a Design Comments Form was available which could be used to design a natural play area for Crane Park.

What happens next

Many of the consultation events were well attended, for example, approximately 300 people visited the stall at Kneller Gardens. There were 104 responses to the survey and 70% of respondents were in favour of the plans. Design ideas put forward by the public have been included in the plans, including sculptures, climbing rope structure, inclusive swing and planting. Where complaints and concerns have been raised, they have been thoroughly considered and a set of recommended actions drawn up in response. The final location has been approved by English Heritage and the Parks Team.

What has happened as a result?

Based on the consultation, it has been recommended that the project proceed. There has been a lot of support for the project, including the majority of residents that live directly around the site in Ellerman Avenue. The plans were submitted as a Cabinet Member decision in December 2010.



  • Residents
  • Children
  • Community groups
  • Parents
  • Voluntary groups
  • Young people