Consultation on proposals to unlock Richmond borough parks
Update 21/01/24: Please note that currently Hampton Wick Memorial Gardens are locked by the Park Locking Contractors when locking the King’s Field park site. Whilst the Memorial Gardens are not listed in this consultation under park sites affected, should the decision be to keep our parks open then the Memorial Gardens would also remain open.
From 1 September 2024 until the 30 November 2024, the Parks Team coordinated a Parks Unlocking Trial across ‘locked’ sites. This was done to assess the impact of opening these sites to understand if potential savings could be made. Posters were installed on each site for the duration of the trial and residents were asked to provide feedback or report any issues to the Parks Team.
Currently only 13 out of 140 parks are locked at night, and 11 were subject to this trial.
Click here to see the sites included in the trial
- Alpha Road Open Space
- Carlisle Park (participated from 1 September 2024 – 27 October 2024 only)
- Castelnau Recreation Ground
- Champions Wharf
- Garrick’s Lawn
- Grimwood Road Recreation Ground
- Grove Gardens (participated from 1 September 2024 – 27 October 2024 only)
- North Sheen Recreation Ground
- Kings Field
- Vine Road Recreation Ground
- Westerley Ware Recreation Ground
The Council Parks Patrol Contractor (Parkguard) monitored the trial sites during evening and night shifts and did not observe any activities or incidents that required further action or support from the Police or Council Officers.
Residents were asked to provide feedback (positive or negative) or report any issues to the Parks Team. This was done by either email or using a report online. No serious incidents were reported from members of public or reports of increased anti-social behaviour/activity. Most of the queries raised were related to increased noise, the use of facilities by individuals, and a single instance of fireworks at Westerly Ware Open Space.
During the trial the Council received positive comments on the sites being unlocked, with members of the public acknowledging increased opportunity to exercise, walk, improve access to green space, improve physical and mental health, and improve commute/walking routes.
Since the trial, the Parks Team has liased with the Police who have advised that they have had some reports from residents regarding anti-social behaviour but found no evidence of this on their patrols.
The Council are now looking to consult on opening each site individually.
Have your say
We would like to hear your views about the proposals and invite you to complete this consultation by selecting the 'Online survey' link below. If you need to request a paper questionnaire or any other format, please contact or call 020 8891 1411.
What happens next?
Following the consultation, we will assess feedback and make a recommendation which will be considered by Environment, Sustainability, Culture and Sports Committee in April.
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