Parks Satisfaction Survey 2015

Closed 8 Nov 2015

Opened 19 Oct 2015

Results updated 15 Jan 2016

The results of the 2015 Parks Satisfaction Survey are the best ever – with 97.63 per cent of residents revealing that overall, they are satisfied with the borough’s parks and green spaces. This marks an improvement of 8.69 per cent of those who took part in the 2013 survey in which 88.94 per cent indicated that they were satisfied.

For full details please see the report below.



The Richmond Council Parks Satisfaction Survey 2015 aims to assess overall satisfaction with local parks and highlight any areas for improvement. It will help us understand what residents would like to see, and inform spending on park improvements to reflect the views and life style choices of local residents, current and potential park users.

We welcome your views and invite you to complete this survey by 8th November when consultation closes.  If you have any queries please email  or call 0208 891 1411.




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