Parks - customer satisfaction survey 2008

Closed 17 Oct 2008

Opened 6 Oct 2008

Results updated 7 Aug 2013

211 respondents completed the survey.
87% of respondents described the park in which they were contacted as good or excellent (11% gave no answer or were unsure and 2% felt the park was poor or very poor). The data indicated that core users were as satisfied with park services as less regular users.
Demand for additional facilities (including those for children) and improvements to the quality of trees and diversity of flowers will remain as priorities for the department, in line with feedback from the survey.


Following renewed investment in parks and open spaces through the Parks Improvement Programme, consultation was carried out to ensure that spending reflected the concerns and demands of the public. An onsite survey was used to assess the quality of services provided by the borough's parks and to build a profile of customers.

The survey was conducted across fifteen sites, with each site being surveyed twice over three hour-long periods (9.30am - 10.30am; 12.30pm - 1.30pm and 4pm - 5pm). The survey was conducted onsite at the exits, but copies were also handed out with a pre-paid envelope.



  • Residents