Changes in Parking Charges 2010

Closed 29 Oct 2010

Opened 8 Oct 2010


The Council invited the public to comment on its proposals to alter the car parking charges within the borough. It is proposed to remove the emissions-based criteria for all parking charges.


Parking permits

Charges for resident and business permits will be set at a flat rate according to your community parking zone. Band A (engine CO2 emissions of 100g/Km or less) vehicles will still qualify for free permits. The refund process will be simplified and the 2-year permit duration will be discontinued.


Parking charges

The existing standard tariff in Council car parks and at on-street pay and display bays to be increased on a sliding scale as follows:

- Up to two hours 5% increase

- Between two and six hours 10% increase

- Over six hours 15% increase

The charges will be rounded to the nearest 5 pence because this is the smallest coin which can be used in a ticket machine, and to the nearest 10 pence at multi-storey car parks.




Preferential rates for residents


- Residents up to 75 years of age will be entitled to a discount of: 10% 

- Residents over 75 years of age will be entitled to a discount of: 20%

- All residents will be entitled to 30 minutes free parking

This applies to the first thirty minutes only. If you park for more than 30 minutes then the full parking duration must be paid for. Residents may obtain more than one free parking period on any day, provided there is a gap of 1 hour between the start of one parking period and the start of the next.

To access preferential rates residents must either register for telephone parking payment or use a RichmondCard.



An online feedback form was available for those who wanted to take part in the consultation. Full details of the proposals can be found on the Recently Advertised Orders webpage.

What happens next

There were 524 responses to the survey (387 via the online form and 137 via email/letter/telephone). The results showed that the majority of respondents who made a representation were in favour of all or most of the proposals. For full details of the responses, see the Cabinet Member Decision of 14 December 2010 (link below).

What has happened as a result?

The proposals set out in the consultation were approved as a Cabinet Member Decision on 14 December 2010.



  • Residents
  • Service users
  • Visitors and tourists


  • Richmond Borough