Parks Improvement Programme 2 - Holly Road Gardens, Garfield Road Open Space, Champions Wharf Twickenham

Closed 23 Oct 2012

Opened 2 Oct 2012


The Vision - 'Live Life in Local Parks'

Parks Improvement Programme 2 will focus on continuing the infrastructural improvements which have led to Parks and Open Spaces being highlighted as the most important service to borough residents in the All in One survey (2011).

The programme will further encourage residents and visitors to not only access parks for recreation and leisure but to also become a part of their day to day life within the borough with project striving to meet all Parks Strategic Principles.

In order to retain the current high standards of parks, existing facilities will be improved and new facilities developed by the council in partnership and consultation with borough residents.

Key Aims

- Maintaining and increasing the standards of parks and associated facilities

- Maximise investment; high quality sustainable solutions will be specified

- Recognition through awards and accolades

- Continue to be a leader nationally and locally in green space management and innovation

Key Themes

- Improving access into parks

- Enhancing play and sporting opportunities for all abilities in parks

- Upgrading existing and providing new facilities for the community in parks

- Enhancing biodiversity, horticultural features and tree stock in parks

Key Delivery

- Providing educational opportunities, preserving the history of parks and facilitating arts and culture

- Celebrating community and providing special occasions in parks through events

- Using innovation to achieve new ways and technologies which appeal to all

- Linking borough parks and facilities via the River Thames and towpaths

One of the first projects to benefit from the £3m Parks Improvement Programme 2 will be to improve the open spaces in Twickenham town centre. As part of the Twickenham Area Action Plan use of parks and open spaces are being addressed. Improvements to these open spaces will further enhance the overall scheme to revitalise the town centre for visitors and residents alike.

Views are now being sought on proposals to enhance the Holly Road Garden of Rest; repairing tombstones, replacing benches and modernising the nearby play area. The police have also requested that additional picnic benches and bins be installed at Holly Road due to high volumes of students using this space during lunch breaks.  The play area is an important facility in the town centre and is need of some improvements and modernising.

Garfield Road Open Space requires new park furniture, landscaping and overlaying existing pavement with heritage gravel to enhance the space and link up with improvements planned for Garfield Road, creating a link from London Road to York Street.

Champions Wharf will see improvements to ramp access/removing redundant lighting/painting gates and general cleanse of the site.

The proposals take forward environmental principles within the Twickenham Action Plan and complement proposals to improve the street scene on Garfield Road both of which have recently been consulted on.

Why your views matter

Comments & suggestions will be used to formalise the work plans for each area before work starts.



  • Residents
  • Community groups
  • Voluntary groups