Park Road Parking Re-consultation

Closed 1 May 2022

Opened 21 Mar 2022


You may recall that in 2019 we carried out a parking consultation in this area. This consultation was commenced primarily in relation to the possible impact on parking that the new Lidl superstore and Deer Park School in Richmond Road could bring to the area.

The results of the consultation showed support to extend the CPZ’s operational hours and days in most roads near to the development. The results also showed support for the CPZ to be extended to Park Road (uncontrolled section) but not to Beresford Avenue. However, there was also some uncertainty around the impact of the school and store, which had not opened at that time. Following consideration of these results, it was decided not to make any immediate changes to the CPZ’s operational hours/days or extent, but to re-consider this once the store and school had become fully operational.

This is to notify you that we will be progressing proposals to add the remaining uncontrolled part of Park Road to the CPZ this year - see map here and to consult you, along with all residents and businesses of the existing CPZ, on what hours/days the CPZ should operate in future.

We would also like to inform you that we are re-consulting residents of Beresford Avenue on whether they would like to join the CPZ. 

The current operational hours/days for the CPZ are 10am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday which are in Tier 2 (shown below).  The table below indicates current permit costs from 1 April 2022 and how these could alter if the CPZ operational hours/days were changed:

Tier Operational Hours Operational Days Annual Residents' Permit Charge Annual Business Permit Charge
1 4hrs or less Mon - Fri/Sat/Sun £55.20 £176.40
2 Between 4hrs and 10.5hrs Mon - Fri/Sat £93.90 £298.10
Between 4hrs and 6.5hrs Mon - Sun £93.90 £298.10
3 More than 6.5hrs Mon - Sun £124.00 £397.10
More than 10.5hrs Mon - Fri/Sat/Sun £124.00 £397.10


Parking beat surveys have been carried out by the Council’s consultant before and after the store and school were opened and these show some increase in parking demand.

You may be aware of the public realm improvements being progressed for the Richmond Road shopping area this year. These will result in a net reduction of eleven pay and display spaces which may have some impact on parking by non-residents outside the CPZ operational times. This factor needs to be considered in any decision to increase the operational hours/days in the CPZ.

Resident and Business permits

The resident and business permit prices shown are for the 1st permit issued per household/business, for one year.  Subsequent permits purchased per year are approximately 50% more for the 2nd permit and 50% more again for the 3rd permit issued.

Resident visitor permits

Resident visitor permits (scratch cards) are available at half the standard price to the over 60s. These permits must be validated for the relevant time period.

Have your say

Please give us your views by completing the online survey below. 

If you are unable to complete the survey online and you would like a hard copy of the questionnaire, please call 020 8871 8929 leaving your name and address and quoting reference ‘Park Road Consultation2’ and one will be posted out to you with a postage paid return envelope.

What happens next?

The Council would like to demonstrate that any changes to the CPZ have the support of residents so a good response is very important, although the Council will not base its decision on residents’ wishes alone. All feedback to this consultation will be considered by the Council along with all relevant traffic management and other highway factors, prior to a decision being made on the way forward.

Further information on this consultation/review can be viewed here, and information on CPZs and parking charges can be viewed by visiting our webpage or by calling the Customer Service Centre on 020 8891 1411.



  • Residents
  • Businesses
  • Landlords


  • Richmond Borough