Local communities survey on the provision of open space, sport and recreational facilities

Closed 2 Nov 2014

Opened 19 Sep 2014

Results updated 20 Oct 2017

Cabinet considered and agreed the proposed strategy for the borough’s sport facilities, open spaces, recreational facilities, playing pitches, playing fields and play space up to 2025 in June 2015. For more information please use the links below.



This survey is part of a large scale study of Richmond borough’s open spaces, sports and recreational provision. The study will look at all existing facilities and assess requirements for the future. 

We would like to hear from as many people as possible who use or have an interest in the green spaces or recreation facilities around the borough - please fill in the survey below to give us your views by 2nd November 2014.

In addition to this survey the Council will be collecting feedback from national governing bodies, schools, sports clubs and local community groups between now and the end of 2014.

The results and conclusions of the study will be used to shape future Council plans and policies and will be published in 2015.

If you would like a paper copy of the questionnaire or need any assistance responding to the survey please email Ldf@richmond.gov.uk or telephone 020 8891 1411 and ask for the Planning Policy team.




  • Open to all


  • Richmond Borough