Madrid Road and North Barnes area proposed 20mph zone and other safety measures

Closed 18 Dec 2015

Opened 16 Nov 2015

Results updated 11 May 2016

The result of the recent consultation for the North Barnes 20mph zone was positive and the Cabinet Member for Highways and Streetscene approved the following measures for implementation:

  • The introduction of the larger area 20mph zone as detailed in the consultation (order to go live on 23rd May)
  • The introduction of a raised junction treatment at the Madrid Road/Washington Road junction (works complete)
  • Junction improvements at the junction of Barnes Avenue/Stillingfleet Road (works complete)


The restricted turns at the Newport and Washington Road junctions with Castelnau were not approved in light of significant opposition. Officers will instead consider other measures for local consultation. The full details can be viewed within the Cabinet Member Decision using the following link:


We are consulting you about a suggested 20mph zone, in an area of North Barnes.  

Following receipt of a petition from residents of Madrid Road, it was agreed that residents in this road would be formally consulted on the introduction of a 20mph speed limit in this road. Provided that 51% of Madrid Road households agree to the proposals then a 20mph limit will be implemented in this road.

Additionally, as a result of concerns raised by residents regarding traffic speeds in the wider area, and the Council's desire to enhance safety around Lowther Primary School, the consultation has been extended as shown on the attached plan.

Traffic surveys undertaken earlier this year show that average vehicle speeds are sufficiently low across most of the area to allow a 20mph zone to be introduced using new signage and 20mph markings painted on the road.  At some locations additional physical measures are required to ensure that the zone is largely self-enforcing and complies with current design standards. These are detailed below:

  • 20mph signs at all entrances into the zone, with ‘20’ road markings painted on the road surface at regular intervals throughout.
  • A raised platform at the Madrid Rd/Washington Rd junction. This additional traffic calming feature is aimed at keeping speeds low in Washington Rd between Madrid Road and Verdun Road because speeds in this road were higher than in other areas.
  • Highway improvements at the Barnes Avenue/Stillingfleet Road junction. It is proposed to reduce the overall junction width with an enlarged pavement and a central traffic island, improving safety for pedestrians crossing at the junction.


Following the consultation

  • If 51% of consulted households from the larger area give their positive support for a 20 mph zone across North Barnes then this will be implemented with the additional signs and traffic calming as detailed. Please note that, if you do not respond to this consultation, your view cannot be counted.
  • The Council does not insist on 51% support to implement 20mph near schools, nor are the safety improvements at Stillingfleet Road dependent upon 51% support.


As a separate issue, we also have proposals for the junctions of Castelnau with Washington Road and Newport Road. Both these junctions have a history of personal injury collisions involving right turning vehicles crossing the oncoming traffic lane and colliding with cycles or motorcycles using the bus lane. It is therefore proposed to introduce restricted movements at these junctions with a ‘Left out’ only at Newport Road and a ‘Left in’ only at Washington Road. All other vehicular movements would be prohibited at both junctions. These restrictions will remove the potential for conflict and will also reduce ‘rat running’ traffic through this residential area. This scheme would be installed for an experimental period to assess the impact on vehicle movements in the area generally.

Please be aware that there is not a requirement for 51% of those consulted to be in support of the proposed restricted movements at the junctions of Washington Road and Newport Road as these measures are being introduced to address safety issues.  The Council does however welcome your comments which will be carefully considered.

Your views will help to shape the eventual outcome and we invite you to take part by completing this online questionnaire by Friday 18 December 2015.  Please email or contact the Council on 020 8891 1411 if you require a paper copy of the questionnaire.

Following the consultation, the results will be reported to the Cabinet Member for Highways and Streetscene for consideration in conjunction with your Ward Councilors.



  • Open to all


  • Richmond Borough