Consultation on 20mph speed limit for Nelson Road, Whitton

Closed 25 Nov 2016

Opened 28 Oct 2016


The Council is consulting local residents and businesses on a proposal to introduce a 20mph zone on Nelson Road, between Constance Road and the High Street junction. This would also include all cul-de-sacs off Nelson Road between these two points. See the plan below for the proposed extent of the zone.

This follows on from the safety works undertaken in the summer and is intended to complement the existing safety measures in place. Please note that improvements to the St Edmunds zebra crossing and raised table are programmed for next financial year.

A lower speed limit will improve safety for all users of the roads and will increase driver awareness on approach to the two schools. To lower the limit, 20mph signage will be installed on both sides of the road at the two entry points on Nelson Road. In addition, 20 roundel markings will be painted on the carriageway throughout the zone.

Your views on these proposals will help to shape the eventual outcome of the consultation. You can comment on the proposal either by writing to or by completing the online survey below. If you require paper copies of the questionnaire or the plan please let us know using the contact details at the top of this page.

Please respond to the consultation by 25 November 2016.

Following this period, the results of the consultation will be reported to the Cabinet Member for Highways and Streetscene for consideration in conjunction with your local Ward Councilors.



  • Residents
  • Businesses


  • Richmond Borough