Tree Sculpture in Moormead Park

Closed 31 Mar 2019

Opened 1 Mar 2019

Results updated 10 May 2019

Thank you to all those who took part in the consultation. Please find a copy of the consultation summary report here.



We would like your views on a proposal to create a sculpture using a semi-mature Norway maple tree. The tree was felled in the winter of 2018 due to its declined condition and the fact it was beyond natural recovery. 

The tree stem and trunk were retained as it presented an opportunity to re-use the timber and re-purpose the tree within the park. The stem and trunk are adjacent to the play area in the park and the image below shows what it currently looks like:

The Council received a local suggestion that the stem could be carved into a sculpture by the Barnes-based artist Derek Pearce.

Derek has developed a piece of artwork called the “self-made man”. We propose that the stem of the tree could undergo artistic metamorphosis into the upper torso of a man carving himself out of the wood. This is what the proposed sculpture would look like:

Moormead Park is a lively park that plays host to several sports and community events and has a pleasant village green atmosphere. It could be the perfect location for this new and unique wood sculpture if it has community support.

If it has support, the carving would be created in the park in a safe space for residents and visitors to observe the transformation.

The maquette (a sculptor's small preliminary model), shown in the image above, will be displayed at the London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames, Civic Centre, (on the ground floor in the lobby), from 1st to 31st March. Please note that the sculpture in the park would not have any moving parts and would be larger than the maquette model.

The local artist Derek Pearce will visit the park on Friday 15th March from 1pm – 2pm with the maquette to answer any questions alongside Arboricultural Officer Jane Crowther. 

What will the sculpture sound like?

The sculpture would have music by Derek Pearce to accompany it. The song would be accessed by scanning a QR barcode on the trunk of the tree with a smartphone or tablet, then listening to it on your personal device. The sculpture illustrates the song and the song illustrates the sculpture. The symbiosis of these two different mediums is an original concept by Derek — 'A song to look at and a sculpture to listen to!’

What is the purpose of the sculpture?

The sculpture would be a piece of art that could naturally create some varying feelings amongst parks users and visitors. The interactiveness of this piece would encourage participants to engage with it and to enjoy it using varying senses – both sight and sound.

How long will the sculpture last?

The sculpture would naturally decay over time and may last a few years although it would be treated with a micro porous and matt finish, which would have some Ultra Violet (UV) inhibitor in it. The safety of the sculpture would be monitored by the parks team as part of routine maintenance.

What are the costs?

The cost of this project will be approximately £1800 which would be paid from the Council’s Capital Parks Improvement budget.

What next?

Residents and park users are invited to give their views on the proposal. 

If the consultation shows the sculpture is supported by the local community it will be installed in April/May 2019. If however the majority of people do not want it, the Council will remove the stem and reinstate the ground.

Have your say

Please give us your views using the online survey below.

If you would like a paper copy of the questionnaire, please contact us at


  • See the design

    From 1 Mar 2019 at 12:00 to 31 Mar 2019 at 16:00

    The maquette (a sculptor's small preliminary model) will be displayed at the London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames, Civic Centre, (on the ground floor in the lobby), from 1st to 31st March.

  • Meet the artist

    From 15 Mar 2019 at 13:00 to 15 Mar 2019 at 14:00

    The local artist Derek Pearce will visit the park on Friday 15th March from 1pm – 2pm with the maquette to answer any questions alongside Arboricultural Officer Jane Crowther. 



  • Open to all


  • Richmond Borough