Local Validation Checklist

Closed 9 Mar 2015

Opened 9 Feb 2015

Results updated 20 Oct 2017

The consultation responses have been analysed and taken into account when finalising the local list, which will be published on the on the Council's 'Make a planning application' web page - see link below.



In line with national guidance, local planning authorities should publish a Local Validation Checklist (‘local list’) of their information requirements for applications. 
The Council is now consulting on a draft Local Validation Checklist, which contains the documents requested at national and local level that need to be submitted with an application in this borough in order for it to be validated. The submission of the right information is a significant factor in making timely and good quality decisions on planning applications within the statutory periods.
The aim of the Checklist is to set out clearly for anyone submitting an application what is required by the Council to determine an application, which increases the certainty for consultants, developers, neighbours and community groups. The Checklist has been produced in line with national guidance and informed by policy, and therefore items and requirements on the local list are only requested where they are proportionate to the nature, scale and location of the proposed development, and on matters that are relevant, necessary and material to the application.  
The Council has aimed to strike the right balance between ensuring that the right information is submitted in support of an application to allow an assessment against the policies set out in the Local Plan, whilst at the same time not placing any unnecessary burden on those preparing and submitting applications. 
Once the consultation period has concluded, the responses will be analysed and taken into account when finalising the local list, which is anticipated to be published in April 2015.  
Get involved
We are keen to hear your views on the draft Local Validation Checklist and invite you to read the draft document and submit the completed questionnaire by 9th March 2015.
We encourage everyone to use our online survey below. 
Alternatively, paper copies of the document are available from  the Civic Centre, 44 York Street, Twickenham, TW1 3BZ or from borough libraries. Completed paper questionnaires can be posted to: Planning Policy, London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, Civic Centre, 44 York Street, Twickenham, TW1 3BZ or emailed to Ldfconsultation@richmond.gov.uk
Please note that responses will not be treated as confidential.



  • Residents
  • Businesses
  • Community groups
  • Service users
  • Voluntary groups
  • Developers
  • Partners


  • Richmond Borough