Lowther Primary School Expansion - pre planning consultation 2010

Closed 10 Nov 2010

Opened 10 Nov 2010


Demand for school places in Richmond upon Thames primary schools is high and increasing. As part of the Council's strategy to meet this demand, it is proposed to expand Lowther Primary School in Stillingfleet Road, Barnes, from a one form to two form of entry primary school. Architects have been working closely with the school, governors and Council to develop the design which is nearing the point where a planning application will be submitted.


Consultation event

The local community, parents and any other interested parties were invited to attend an informal, drop-in consultation event held at Lowther Primary School (School Hall) on Wednesday 10 November 2010 from 2.30pm - 7.30pm. The design drawings for the proposed expansion of the school by 1 form of entry were on display to provide information about the project and to collect views of the proposed plans prior to a planning application being submitted. The architect, Local Authority representative and Headteacher were available to answer any questions.


The consultation was publicised on the school's website and invitation letters were sent to local residents and sent home with pupils.

What happens next

Over 60 parents and local residents attended the event to discuss the school's development. Members of the design team and the Council's project manager were available to answer any questions and take people through the scheme.


Generally the feedback was positive, including the location scale and how the design complimented the existing buildings. There were concerns raised by local residents relating to the potential of increased traffic associated with additional numbers at the school, which will be considered and investigated further. A planning application is scheduled to be submitted in February 2011.



  • Residents
  • Carers
  • Parents


  • Richmond Borough