London Road, Twickenham Traffic Management Measures

Closed 1 Jul 2024

Opened 3 Jun 2024


The Council is consulting on a package of safety measures for London Road, between March Road and the A316. A map of proposals can be found here.

Improving pedestrian safety

Richmond Council wants to encourage active travel around the borough. This means more people making physically active journeys, by either walking, cycling or scootering.

The following measures are intended to support changes to driver behaviour and  reduce vehicle speed to enable a safer pedestrian environment. 

Measures include:

  • A mix of new and upgraded pedestrian traffic islands,
  • Two zebra crossings with associated waiting areas,
  • Continuous pavements across side road junctions,
  • Realigned parking bays to create a visual change to the layout of the road (some of these bays will benefit from physical end protection),
  • An upgrade of existing yellow line parking restrictions,
  • Additional greening (planters and trees) where appropriate,
  • A ‘gateway’ for vehicles leaving the A316 to clearly highlight the change in speed limit between the two roads,
  • Enhanced 20 road markings and signage.

Cole Park Road - additional measures

In addition to the above, the Council are also proposing to enhance the existing C40 cycle route along Cole Park Road, to include more cycle friendly road humps, parking controls at junctions and minor lining works. This route runs parallel to London Road and ties in with a package of measures being implemented by TfL at the A316 roundabout that includes a new Toucan Crossing at the junction with Cole Park Road.

More details on TfL’s scheme can be found hereThese relatively minor changes on Cole Park Road will be subject to a statutory consultation and residents directly impacted by the proposals will be written to separately in due course.

Funding from TfL is approved for spend this financial year for the proposed changes on Cole Park Road from a funding source specifically identified for cycle route improvements.


How to respond 

Please click the online survey link below to begin this survey.

If you are unable to complete the survey online and you would like a hard copy of the questionnaire, please call 0208 487 5284 leaving your name and address including the postcode and quoting ‘LONDON ROAD’. A paper copy will then be posted out to you with a postage paid return envelope. 

What happens next

The measures proposed for London Road are subject to detailed design and still require funding confirmation. Once feedback from residents is collated over the summer period and a decision is taken on how to proceed in the Autumn, a detailed design will be finalised, followed by the submission of a funding application to TfL for the 2025/26 financial year.


  • Twickenham Riverside


  • Open to all


  • Richmond Borough