Local Implementation Plan (consultation phase 2)

Closed 15 Mar 2011

Opened 25 Feb 2011


In May 2010, the Mayor of London published the Mayor's Transport Strategy (MTS2 - see link under background documents). The Strategy sets out the objectives within which all London boroughs have to work for the next three years. The borough's Local Implementation Plan (LIP) sets out the Council's plans for delivering the Mayor of London's Transport Strategy from 2011 onwards. It will be a statutory document, used for Transport Planning purposes for the next 3 years.


We initially consulted on local issues and options for consideration in September/October 2010. These were fed into the second LIP. As part of this consultation phase, the Consultation Documents were made available online (including the draft LIP, annexes and the LIP Strategic Environmental Assessment Scoping Report) and comments could be submitted by email, post or telephone.

What happens next

Seventeen responses were received, including responses from cyclists, businesses, Heathrow Airport, Councillors, Council officers and TfL (Transport for London).

What has happened as a result?

As a result of the comments received we have reveiwed and, where appropriate, amended or added to sections on road freight, cross border working, cycling and the overall structure of the Draft LIP2.


We are due to meet with TfL representatives once all amendments are completed as they need to be satisfied that the Draft LIP2 meets their standards in order to recommend to the Mayor of London that it be formerly adopted.


It is anticipated that the Draft LIP2 will be submitted to TfL in May 2011. Following formal adoption, the LIP2 will underpin transport planning in Richmond upon Thames over the next three years and we will implement the works programme contained within it.



  • Residents
  • Businesses
  • Community groups
  • Voluntary groups


  • Richmond Borough