Local Implementation Plan (consultation phase 1)

Closed 15 Oct 2010

Opened 24 Sep 2010


In May 2010, the Mayor of London published the Mayor's Transport Strategy (MTS2 - see link under background documents). The Strategy sets out the objectives within which all London boroughs have to work for the next three years. Each borough has to set out the local issues it needs to address and options to be considered in order to achieve these objectives. The chosen options will be taken forward into the Borough's Local Implementation Plan (LIP) which will be a statutory document, used for Transport Planning purposes for the next 3 years.


Consultation phase one

Views were sought across Richmond borough. People were invited to indicate which issues and options they considered to be important by completing the online survey. Hard copies, including those in other formats and community languages, were available on request. The information provided will be treated confidentially and will be used solely by the Council for this project. It will be presented in an anonymous form and available for public scrutiny. Unfortunately the Council is unable to respond individually

What happens next

There were 17 responses to the initial online consultation on the proposed LIP. The results have been collated and considered by officers and the lead member for Traffic.

What has happened as a result?

The draft Local Implementation Plan has been prepared and will be out to formal consultation (see the Consultation Finder for details). The results will be reported to Cabinet in March 2011 and will include feedback from the recent All in One surveys. The LIP will then be submitted to TfL for the Mayor's approval.



  • Residents
  • Businesses
  • Community groups
  • Voluntary groups


  • Richmond Borough