Kingston Road and Upper Teddington Road – Local Safety Scheme

Closed 29 Oct 2015

Opened 14 Sep 2015


Consultation on the Kingston Road and Upper Teddington Road – Local Safety Scheme

This is a consultation on proposed changes on Kingston Road and Upper Teddington Road. These proposals have been developed to improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists.

Safety improvements in the area have already started with the completion of the Ferry Road, Kingston Road and Manor Road junction modernisation in April 2015 and more recently the installation of new street-lighting along Kingston Road.

The key features of the proposed scheme are listed below and detailed in the attached drawing running from north to south:


  1. Parking on the pavement alongside the St. Mary’s University sports-field with associated footway and drainage enhancements. This change will effectively widen the road allowing for large vehicles to pass each other without conflict.


  1. Introduction of a 250m advisory cycle lane on Kingston Road starting at the Ferry Road, Kingston Road and Manor Road junction.


  1. Extend the double yellow lines at the junction of Marston Road and Kingston Road to 10m to improve visibility when exiting the junction (not shown on plan).


  1. Introduction of a mini-roundabout on a raised junction on Kingston Road at the junction with Kingston Lane along with the following changes:


  1. Replacing the existing signalised crossing south of the junction on Kingston Road with a signalised pedestrian and cycle crossing.


  1. Re-designed pedestrian refuge on Kingston Lane.


  1. To introduce a 5m double yellow line extension outside Elmer’s End on Kingston Road.


  1. Introduction of a raised junction on Kingston Road at the junction with Bushy Park Road and Holmesdale Road and replacing the existing signalised pedestrian crossing with a signalised pedestrian and cycle crossing.


  1. Relocation of the bus stops on both sides of Kingston Road currently situated between St Marks Road and Bushy Park Road. It is also proposed to relocate the northbound bus stop near Woffington Close 90m north of its existing location to improve access to the Hampton Wick surgery. The proposed relocations will improve pedestrian safety and bus stop accessibility.


  1. Renew the signalised pedestrian crossing at the junction of Kingston Road and Normansfield Avenue and build out the footway.


  1. Install a pedestrian refuge outside the relocated Hampton Wick Surgery at 26 Upper Teddington Road. 3 parking bays to be removed to accommodate the refuge.


  1. Remove parking bay on Kingston Road near junction with Woffington Close and extend the double yellow line. This measure will improve visibility when exiting the junction. 3 new parking bays to be installed nearby.


  1. Remove the signalised pedestrian crossing outside 1 Upper Teddington Road. The crossing was installed many years ago to improve access to the medical surgery which has recently been relocated to 26 Upper Teddington Road. The removal of the crossing will allow for 3 new parking bays.


The proposed scheme would be funded from a combination of Transport for London funding and local developer contributions for transport improvements.

We are keen to hear your views and invite you to comment on the proposals by completing the survey that follows by 29th October 2015 when the consultation closes. All comments received will be considered by your Ward Councillors and the Cabinet Member for Highways and Street Scene.



  • Open to all


  • Richmond Borough