Oak Avenue (Hampton) - proposed 20mph zone

Closed 28 Nov 2008

Opened 28 Nov 2008


The Council is proposing to implement a 20 mile per hour (mph) zone on Oak Avenue, Hampton. The scheme is to be funded by Transport for London's 20 mph zone programme and is expected to benefit the local area by slowing traffic, increasing road safety, improving accessibility for pedestrians and enhancing the quality of the streetscape.

The proposed improvements include:

Upgrading the existing raised crossings and mini roundabouts,

Installing new raised tables, speed cushions and traffic islands to 20 mph zone specification,

Bus stops upgraded to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act 1995,

Removal of the existing chicane. 

The proposed features will help to reduce vehicle speeds and encourage vehicles to travel at a more constant speed, which is more suitable for a residential road such as Oak Avenue. Once the features are in place it will be possible for Oak Avenue to become a 20mph zone.



  • Residents


  • Richmond Borough