Ham Parade – proposed changes to your area

Closed 30 Jun 2023

Opened 26 May 2023


Richmond Council is reviewing Ham Parade. The east side of the parade has not been refurbished in recent times and there are existing concerns around the quality of the pedestrian environment, narrow pavements, and difficulty for those in wheelchairs to access the bus stop. The monthly closure of the slip road to host the market has shown the potential for an alternative use of the existing space.

We would like to refurbish the east side of Ham Parade to a more closely match the west side of the parade, with wide pavements, trees, and places to sit and rest. We want more people to spend more time at the parade while reducing motor traffic dominance and encouraging more people to travel to the shops by walking, cycling and taking the bus.

Design options

We have come up with two potential options. As part of both options, the north-south section of the slip road on the east side of Ham Parade would be closed, with the diagonal portion in front of the Ham Food Centre retained with a new access from Richmond Road. Four new inset car parking bays will be created on the east side between the zebra crossing and the southbound bus stop, and three new inset car parking bays will be created on the west side between the zebra crossing and the northbound bus stop.

The removal of the slip road allows for the pavements to be widened and more options for outdoor seating.

Both options include the introduction of trees and in-ground plantings that serve as rain gardens, collecting rain water and reducing run-off, with an overall increase in the number of cycle parking spaces, including spaces able to accommodate non-standard bicycles such as tricycles and cargo bikes. Some informal play equipment, such as stepping stones, will be added to the green at the south of the parade.

Design option 1 - Plan and Visualisation:

Concept plan 1

Typical day Option 1 - typical day

Option with marketOption 1 with market

This option features rectangular rain gardens each with a tree and bench. Option 1 has larger rain gardens than Option 2, with a layout that can accommodate up to 17 market stalls. The pavement design features detailing to easily identify the locations for the market stalls.

Design option 2 - Plan and Visualisation:

Concept plan 2

Typical day Option 2 - typical day

Option with marketOption 2 with market

This uses T-shaped planters to reflect the design of the iconic Parkleys development and corner benches to create informal social spaces. The layout can accommodate up to 23 market stalls, utilising the T-shaped planters to mark out their locations.

What about car parking?

There are currently 41 designated car parking bays at Ham Parade, and both the design options above include 30 car parking bays.

Parking surveys were carried out in spring 2022 to better understand how the existing car parking spaces are being used. The surveys found that 33% of all vehicles parking at the parade stay for less than 5 minutes and 68% stay less than 15 minutes. The surveys also found that parking stress (the number of cars parked out of the total number of spaces available) averages around 60%, and that occupancy in the slip roads on the eastern side did not go over 70% in any of the 15-minute periods during the survey period. All observed parking could therefore still take place within the proposed 30 car parking spaces.

The diagonal portion of the slip road is proposed to be retained to ensure businesses have space to load and unload.

Have your say

The Council would like to hear your comments to ensure all views are considered. Please give us your views by clicking on the Online Survey link below.

If you need to request hard copy materials, a different language or format, or if you need any support to take part in the consultation, please call 020 8871 7420 or email Transportation@Richmond.gov.uk

What happens next?

When the consultation closes all feedback will be fully considered and a preferred design option will be taken to Richmond Council’s Transport and Air Quality Committee in the autumn for permission to proceed to detailed design and construction.


  • Ham, Petersham & Richmond Riverside


  • Residents
  • Businesses
  • Open to all


  • Richmond Borough